
[介紹] Last week: You voted that - Tim will reward Sally in some way

Last week: You voted that - Tim will reward Sally in some way

Last week: You voted that - Tim will reward Sally in some way
The flatmates
Episode 176: A hospital Christmas
Alice: Right, all the decorations are up in the ward. Time to wrap the presents and sort out the crackers.
Matron: You're doing such a splendid job, Alice.
Alice: Thank you. I've always loved organising Christmas parties and I want this to be a really fun time for the kids, to take their minds off being in hospital.
Matron: Well, in my book, anything that's good for a patient's psychology is good for their biology! But, I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Alice: Oh, what's happened?
Matron: You see there's a staff shortage on another ward. We need you to work there for a while.
Alice: Oh, when?
Matron: Right now.
Alice: But we're about to have the party.
Matron: I'm sorry Alice, but there's no choice.