【檔案名稱】﹕Xara Designer Pro 7.1

Designer Pro 是Xara出品的一款簡單但功能強大的影像處理軟體。
Designer Pro 的操作簡單直觀的讓人難以置信。
除了極強繪圖能力,Designer Pro 的另一個顯著特點就是能夠很方便的快速“生產”網頁圖片(支援類似Photoshop的切圖功能)。
例如,你可以用Designer Pro 來製作網站的導航圖片,它擁有很友好、直觀的介面,因此,不需要你具備很專業的美工基礎,只需幾步就可以做好,從而把做圖變成了一件快樂的事情。
用它你可以自己畫一個按鈕放到你的網頁上面,或者從一個視頻中截取一段,然後把它們轉換成 GIF,等等……軟體的功能和其輸出效果的相當完美!
Designer Pro 內置大量模板,製作一些相對簡單的效果比PS快N倍,非常適合懶人型玩家!!
Product features:
- The most accurate, efficient vector rendering engine
- Create effects such as shadows, transparency, etc. interactive, fast and intuitive way
- Supports Drag and Drop
- Unlimited levels of undo and redo
- Increase the image up to 25000% with a tool to increase
- Smoothing of vectors to achieve the maximum quality
- Fast, smooth and high-quality vector 3D extrude tool
- A set of built-in editing tools of the vectors and shapes
- Several built-in powerful tools for adding realistic effects with just one click
- The unique non-destructive editing of photos without any loss of quality
- Create panoramic images
- Support for Adobe Photoshop plug-ins
- Built-in "Site" allows you to create multi-page websites
- Create a realistic workable Flash animations
- The site of the program supports all browsers and Web standards
- Support for a large number of graphic formats (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PSD, RAW, EPS, AI, PDF, WMF, etc.)
- Full support for import and export PSD files
- Support for XPS export (and there is a beta version of the filter to import XPS)
- Support PANTONE ® colors
- PDF / X export
- Support for multi-core processors.