"耶穌吐司" Jesus Toast

The seller of the product in the picture above had accidentally burnt his toast in a toaster. Before throwing the piece of toast away, he suddenly noticed the face of Jesus on his toast as if by some type of miracle. He put the odd piece of toast up for auction with the starting bid of $.99, although this piece of toast never ended up selling.
美國浣熊陰莖骨American Raccoon Penis Bone

Did you know that most animals other than man have an actual bone in the penis called baculum? Well eBay seller "baculumdude" sure does, and he is very willing to tell you about them. He also has his very own store on eBay called, oh you guessed it, Baculum world.

Scared yet? Well, if not, you may be interested in these penis bones (also known as mountainman toothpicks according to "dude"), as they can be used as a conversation piece or... well we guess there's no other use for these, unless you consider the best anniversary present ever an actual use.

This is an auction for some girl's old used breast implants. You see, Janine apparently wants to upgrade her boobs from what she has now to... convex, we guess. This is probably one of the grossest auctions on eBay, considering this object was (for more than several days) inside of the seller's body. While Janine does mention that she has a calendar out for 2008, she refuses to show her face in the auction--go figure. Well, at least whoever buys these can rest easy knowing that there is little else they can do in their lives that will be creepier than this.

OK, now who in their life hasn't either wanted real x-ray glasses or the ability to become invisible? Well billwwilliams is here to finally answer your prayers.

Now, if we are to believe this auction (and of course we want to), then the secret to invisibility has been kept secret for thousands of years and is one of the "best-kept secrets of the ages." But the subtitles at the beginning CLEARLY state that this isn't a magic trick or a ninja technique.

The last nail in the coffin to this potentially kickass auction is the fact that the secret can be "digitally delivered" to you. Fuck that, if the secret of invisibility is "digital" we're getting it off fucking BitTorrent. Then we're hiring ourselves out as an invisible assassin, charging millions to the highest bidder, changing the course of nations with a stroke of our invisible blade. Or maybe just use it to sneak into girls' locker rooms.
與我的同性戀叔叔約會 A Date With My Gay Uncle Frank

“To support my college fund I am selling a date with my attractive young uncle Frank. Frank is a nice youg Italian single. He is 5″11 and weighs about 180 pounds. He enjoys dinning out and loves the outdoors. He has emerald green eyes, and is a hospitality specialist. “
What gives!? Who wants some crappy invisibility that ninjas don't even use? The auction goes on to screw itself over by CLEARLY stating at the bottom and in its description that it is to be used for "MORAL PURPOSES ONLY." What kind of crap is that? If you're doing something moral, you sure as hell don't need to be invisible. That's the stuff you want people to see.
湯姆克魯斯精液Tom Cruise Semen

“I have in my possession an item of true rarity, semen from Tom Cruise. As described in the disclaimer, I can’t physically sell semen on eBay so I am not but instead selling you a glass container whose content is a mystery.”

"Freshly trimmed pubes clean and fresh from eighteen year old virgin. Make a wig with them if you are lacking in your own. I am a student in need of cash. Strictly no kinky emails. I really don’t think this one will last very long but it goes to prove that anything is sold on Ebay.”
我最近拍攝的照片Recently Taken Pictures Of Me

“You are buying nine pictures of me that have been taken this summer as I have been traveling. I’m also including three pictures I took recently with my camera phone. You will like them. Pictures will be emailed directly to your email from mine.”
"背叛她的丈夫"收藏卡Her cheating husbands collector cards

There are 2 million collector card that she is selling. They are all her cheating husbands. Well how nice is that?? She is selling them for .20 each. Why? I would at least try to make a million off of it!!