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小 發表於 2011-2-24 12:33 只看該作者
The latest movie-The Green Hornet
青蜂俠來了! 難道他是蝙蝠俠(batman)的孿生兄弟(twins),還是蝙蝠俠這次亮相(exposure)的全新造型?或是又是另一齣蜘蛛人誕生悲劇的上演戲碼—被蜜蜂螫到(sting)的青蜂俠? 想必大家一定很期待最新上映(latest)的刺激動作片(action film): “The Green Hornet” 青蜂俠—由賽斯羅根與周杰倫聯手出擊打擊犯罪(fight crime)主持正義(justice)!電影裡頭不但有3D特效(special effect)場面、功夫動作還有一連串的爆笑情節! 除了這精采的劇情之外,大家最想的是一窺(peep at)周杰倫在好萊塢(Hollywood)的首次演出角色-Kato到底酷不酷呢?
Now, let’s learn English from the plot of movie and the introduction of Jay Chou!The plot of the movie讓我們看看在電影英文官網裡的故事簡介,裡面也有好玩的決鬥遊戲Game及features(特別收錄)裡的Visual Synopsis(概要)有趣的漫畫對話,你們不但可以看英文、說英文、也可以玩英文唷! 青蜂俠電影官網
(節錄自官網About) In the Green Hornet, Britt Reid is the son of most prominent and respected media magnate and perfectly happy to maintain a directionless existence on the party scene-until his father mysteriously dies, leaving Britt his vast media empire. 在青蜂俠電影裡,Britt Reid是最有名且備受矚目的媒體寵兒,而且總是神采奕奕地無預期出現在很多派對上,直到有一天他的爸爸離奇地去世,留下給他的是龐大的媒體集團遺產。
Striking an unlikely friendship with one of his father’s more industrious and inventive employees, Kato, they see their chance to do something meaning for the first time in their lives: fight crime. 他竟結交了一位他爸爸最勤奮且有天份的職員為朋友Kato,他們找到了人生第一件最有意義的事情—打擊犯罪。
To get close to the criminals, they come up with the perfect cover: they’ll pose as criminals themselves. Protecting the law by breaking it, Britt becomes the vigilante The Green hornet as he and Kato hit the street… 為了想接近那些罪犯,他們以一身最適合的裝扮,那就是冒充罪犯;他們成為治安的英雄,維護正義…。
Key word 1.prominent指的是重要的、著名的, 如:Jay played a prominent role in that film. 周杰倫在那部片子扮演重要的角色。
其他也是指重要的字彙有important, leading, vital, influential, prominent, valued. 你們都可以把這些字彙拿來用唷!
2.strike這個字有很多意思, 其中三個意思比較常用: 第一個是指碰撞、打擊, 如:Several cars were struck by falling trees. 很多車被倒下的樹打到。 第二個的意思是指(受災害、戰爭)侵襲、爆發, 如:The villages have been struck by the typhoon. 居民一直被颱風侵襲。 第三個引申的意思是指突然想到, The first thing that struck me is her smile. 我第一個想到的是她的笑容。
而在文章中的strike a friendship with 是一個很實用的片語,是指碰撞出友誼也就是結交朋友的意思。
3.pose名詞是指姿勢, 動詞為擺姿勢 (for), 如:We posed for photographs. 我們擺了姿勢照相。
另一個意思是冒充、假裝為 (as), 如:He was caught posing as a lawyer. 他冒充著律師被抓到。