瑞士製藥巨頭諾華公司於26日提出警告,若政府取消新流感疫苗訂單,將無法如此迅速遏止下一波大流行(The head of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis on Tuesday warned that governments now trying to cancel swine flu vaccine contracts might not be dealt with so swiftly in the next pandemic.)
藥廠董事長兼首席執行長魏斯樂指出,當初施加壓力要求藥廠儘快交付疫苗的政府,如今卻以買太多為由要取消訂單。他再補充表示,政府要求疫苗業有效率,就應承擔後果,因為再有疫情大流行,諾華將優待可靠的合作夥伴。("If you want an effective vaccine industry you have to be consequent, because the next time that there will be a pandemic -- and there will be another one -- the governments who have been reliable partners will be treated preferentially," he added.)