做法: 1. 1 packet of biscuit curshed, 125 g butter melted, mix well together and press firmly onto the botton and sides
of a 20 cm Springform tin. Place in refrigerator until set.
2. Mix together on cup of boiling water and one packet of lemon jelly, stirring until the jelly is dissolved, cool.
3. Beat togher on pot of cream cheese, 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence, and on tablespoon of
lemon juice. Mix gently into the lemon jelly mixture.
4. In a seperate bowl, whip on tub of cream, fold this into other mixture. pour into the biscuit case and
refrigerate until set.
ps. 打鮮奶油的用具絕對不行有油要不然沒辦法打發喔!!
biscuit 就是英式下午茶吃的那種餅乾
lemon jelly就是檸檬果凍粉
one pot of cream cheese就是超是買得到的那種philadelphia那種牌子的方型的就可以了~~
spring form tin 就是怎麼說勒, 一種圓形的容器, 底部可以拿開的~~
fresh cream 就是鮮奶油
vanilla essence 就是香草精