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標題: [介紹] 10分鐘Grammar精讀 -4 [打印本頁]

作者: cuteftp    時間: 2009-5-29 23:21     標題: 10分鐘Grammar精讀 -4

10分鐘Grammar精讀 學英文最討厭的就是似懂非懂,模模糊糊,永遠在學卻永遠學不會。


每天花10分鐘精讀文法,學英文毫無疲勞感,但你一定要確定這十分鐘,你弄懂一個文法概念。 meet vs. know 都有認識的意思,有何不同?我大學時就認得他了,如果動詞用knew,一定很怪,彷彿現在不認得了。原因是這個認得其實是一種動作,不是狀態,應該用met! ‘meet' 指的是一段關係的起頭、初始。


 I met my wife in law school. ‘meet' 也表示人和人之間的關係並不密切。 "Do you know Mr. Wu?" "Well, we've met twice, I think. I wouldn't say I know him." 從這個的例子中,可以清楚看到meet與know的差別。meet用在關係的起頭,而know是關係的形成,或者關係已發展不錯。


因此,若你將這兩個字混淆,有可能讓人誤以為你想要吹噓自己和某人的關係,表示自己的重要性。使用時要特別留意。 不過,meet 與know也不是這麼黑白分明,它們還是有一些灰色地帶。因此,英文就有其它片語表達這種關係。以下是幾個不同的情況:



A: Oh, there's Ms. Chou! B: Really? Do you know her? A: Well, no, but I've seen her on television.

B: Well, I know her from television, everyone probably knows of her by now.

A: Of course we've never met, but isn't she the First Lady?



A: Oh, there's Ms. Chou!

B: Really? Do you know her?

A: Well, we met once at a bank meeting, but I doubt she'd remember me.



A: Oh, there's Ms. Chou!

B: Really? Do you know her?

A: We've met one or two times at the bank.



A: Oh, there's Ms. Chou!

B: Really? Do you know her?

A: Well, not very well, but we end up talking to each other for work, occasionally.

B: We do have to communicate sometimes for work, as my department works with hers.

A: Well, yes, she's on the legal advisory team at my bank.



A: Oh, there's Ms. Chou!

B: Really? Do you know her?

A: Well, yes, she's a friend/colleague of mine.

B: Well, yes, she's in the same department.

A: Well, yes, she's my boss.



I know of her(我聽過)= we haven't met(我們沒有見過) I've met her(我見過她) = we've been introduced(我們有認識過彼此) I know her, but not that well (我認識她,但是不熟)= we've had conversations, but I wouldn't characterize us as more than acquaintances.(我們有談過話,但是關係也僅只於認識的人) I know her (我知道她)= I'm a friend of hers, or I see her often, if not daily.(她是我的一個朋友,我們常常約見面) I know her well.(我和她很熟) = I'm a good friend of hers, or I've worked with her for a long time.(我們是好朋友,我們一起工作一段時間了)

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