mayday56 2012-6-24 21:01
《中英對照讀新聞》Do bald men face higher risk of prostate cancer? 禿頭男子攝護腺癌風險較高?<br><br><p>◎國際新聞中心</p><p>
Got hair? If you don’t, you might have a higher risk of prostate cancer,
a preliminary study suggests. Researchers are reporting that bald men
who underwent biopsies of the prostate were more likely to have cancer
than were those with more hair on their heads.</p><p>
"Bald men should be aware that they may benefit from being screened
earlier and perhaps, if necessary, from being biopsied sooner," said
study author Dr. Neil Fleshner, a professor of surgical urology at the
University of Toronto. In the study, the more bald people were, the more
likely they were to have prostate cancer. We’re 95 percent sure this is
However, not all doctors are ready to embrace the study’s conclusions.
The possible association between male pattern baldness and prostate
cancer has been considered in previous studies.</p><p><br></p><p>
Although the precise mechanism isn’t understood, researchers think male
hormones known as androgens may play a role in both baldness and
prostate cancer.</p><p><br></p><p>
<span class="boldtitle">新聞辭典</span></p><p>
undergo:動詞,接受(手術)、經歷。例句:Cinema in Britain is undergoing a revival of popularity.(英國的電影院人氣回溫。)</p><p>
embrace:動詞,擁抱、接受。例句:This was an opportunity that he would embrace.(這是個他會接受的機會。)</p><p>
mechanism:名詞,機制。例句:The mechanism for collecting taxes needs revising.(收稅機制需要修訂。)</p>