查看完整版本: 工作不開心,怎麼辦?

virage 2012-4-19 13:10


<p><font face="Arial">  What do I do if I’m unhappy at Work? Every
person becomes unhappy at work at some time or another. It’s the natural
emotional ebb and flow of being human. Even the best job has its
problems. I’ve put together a list of 5 tasks that will help you work
happier. </font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><br></font></p><p><font face="Arial">  工作不開心怎麼辦?每個人都會有一段時間感到工作不開心。心情時好時壞,這是人的正常表現。即使是好工作也會有不如意的地方。我整理出5條方法,可以讓你工作得更開心。 </font></p><font face="Arial">
<p align="center"><font face="Arial"><strong>  尋找意義 </strong></font></p>
<p align="center"><strong><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/02/01/72db12010c734ceabcab6108d9029fd9.jpg"></strong></p><p align="center"><strong><br></strong></p></font>
<p><font face="Arial"><strong>  1. Find Meaning </strong></font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><strong>  尋找意義 </strong></font>
</p><p><font face="Arial">  If you believe in the work you do, it will
be easier to connect to each task. People who are passionate about their
work will do almost anything to make sure the job is done well. </font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><br></font></p><p><font face="Arial">  如果你相信你所做的工作,你就會容易和你的工作“產生火花”。一個熱愛自己工作的人會為完美地完成工作而竭盡所能。 </font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><br></font></p><p><font face="Arial">  You need to find a way to connect with your
job. I would suggest that you start by listing all of the aspects of
your products and services that deliver value. A few of these items
should ping your heart. </font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><br></font></p><p><font face="Arial">  你一定要找到和工作擦出火花的方法。我建議先列出一張表,表上列出你所提供的能產生價值的產品和服務,其中的某些項目可能會讓你靈光一閃。 </font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><br></font></p><p><font face="Arial">  If a few of these items from your list tug
at your emotions, then expand on them. How can you consistently keep
these feelings at the forefront of your brain as you work? You should
keep these emotional stimulators in a place where you can see them. If
you are feeling down and your energy is broken, then read over these
stimulators. </font>
</p><p><font face="Arial"><br></font></p><p><font face="Arial">  如果列表中的這些項目可以燃起你的工作熱情,那就繼續細化。你要想想,要怎樣才能讓工作中的自己時時刻刻都熱血沸騰。你可以把這些能激勵自己的事物放在看得見的地方。當你心情低落,無精打采,就去看兩眼。&nbsp;</font></p>
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