lancer 2012-3-13 15:32
<p> Feng Shui helps with a variety of different problems. It can even
help with problems in the business. They give many tips on how to make a
business successful and stay successful. </p><p><br></p>
<p> 風水可以解決很多難題,對做生意也有助益。風水學會給出一系列辦法,助你在商海裏順風順水。
</p><p><br></p><p><img src="" border="0"><br></p><p><br></p><p> <strong>1.</strong> <strong>It is good to have good back support for the back in the desk chair.</strong>
Lack of support creates unneeded stress on your back. This could make a
person fill strained and irritable. This could make business meetings
and meeting with clients very unbearable. Good back support in desk
chairs prevents these problems from occurring.
</p><p> <strong>坐椅後有支撐。</strong>缺少了椅背的支撐,背部就會感到一些無形的壓力,讓人感到緊張和暴躁,在開會或會見客戶時也會煩躁不安。良好的椅背支撐就能防止上述事情的發生。
</p><p><br></p><p> <strong>2. All clutter should be cleared from office space.</strong>
Clutter brings bad Feng Shui to the office. Clutter creates confusion
and chaos. It also creates unneeded and unwanted stress. Everything
should be filed away and organized to help make a business successful.
This also helps a person remain stress free in the work environment.
Being clutter free also helps a person stay on top of their products and
</p><p> <strong>辦公區域應整潔乾淨。</strong>雜亂會給辦公室帶來壞風水,導致混亂和爭吵,還會帶來不必要的壓力。辦公區域裏的物品應該整理妥當,擺放整齊,才會讓事業一帆風順。另外,整潔的辦公區域還能減少人們在工作環境中的壓力,同時有利於他們站上事業的頂峰。
</p><p><br></p><p> <strong>3. A person should set up their office the way they feel more comfortable.</strong>
Each person has their own success set up. Many Feng Shui websites tell a
person their ideal set up. Having the proper set up will ensure success
because the person feels relaxed in their own setting. They are more
confident and ready to face everything that comes their way.
</p><p> <strong>辦公室的佈局要讓自己感到舒服。</strong>什麼樣的佈局才舒服,這一點因人而異。很多介紹風水的網站會推薦一些樣板佈局。一個舒適的辦公室能確保成功,因為置身自己佈置的環境中,人們會感到非常放鬆,也會更有自信,並隨時準備好迎接四面八方的挑戰。</p><p><br></p><p><img src="" border="0"><br></p><p><br></p><p><p> <strong>4. Placing a small potted healthy plant on the desk is a very good idea.</strong>
Many healthy plants have been known to absorb toxins that are in the
air. Many toxins make a person sick and unable to work. There are many
healthy plans that are known as money plants. These plants are believed
to ward off negative situations that may come into the person’s office.
</p><p> <strong>在桌上放一盆健康植物。</strong>健康植物能吸收空氣中的毒素,而這些毒素往往就是導致人們身體不適、工作不暢的元兇。有一些健康植物被稱為招財植物,據說這些植物可以擺在辦公室裏辟邪。
</p><p><br></p><p> <strong>5. A person should never set their desk facing someone another person’s desk.</strong>
This leads to bad Feng Shui. It could also lead to many arguments and
complications. This is especially vital to people who share an office.
If they want to get along better, they need to remember not to have
their desks face each other.
</p><p> <strong>辦公桌切忌“面對面”擺放。</strong>辦公桌面對面擺放不僅會招致壞風水,還會引起同事間的爭吵和矛盾。對於共用一間辦公室的同事而言,這點特別重要。如果想要和同事相處融洽,那就記得不要讓桌子對著其他人。
</p><p><br></p><p> <strong> 6. It is not a good idea to use brightly lit lights in an office.</strong> The bright lights can make a person become irritable. It can also make them work very impulsive.
</p><p> <strong>辦公室裏不宜燈火通明。</strong>光線過亮會讓人變得急躁,還很容易變得衝動。 </p><p><br></p><p><p> <strong>7. A person should always carry a Jade Cicada around with them, especially in their office.</strong> The Jade Cicada keeps away confrontations in the office. It is also known to be a great source of good luck in the office.
</p><p> <strong>佩戴玉蟬,特別是辦公室裏。</strong>佩戴玉蟬可以減少辦公室矛盾,也是辦公室招好運的良方。</p><p><br></p>
<p> <strong>8. A person should always keep their office space and their bedroom space separated.</strong>
The bedroom is a place to sleep, and mixing it up with office space can
cause insomnia or the person to be increasingly sleepy while working.
If a person has to set up their office in their bedroom, they should set
up a divider between the desk and the bed. This keeps both separate
enough to avoid causing any problems.
</p><p> <strong>辦公區和休息區應分開。</strong>臥室是用來睡覺的,如果臥室和辦公室合在一起,會導致失眠,或者讓人在工作時容易睡著。如果臥室和辦公區必須要放在一起的話,那麼就要用東西隔開床和桌子,使兩個區域有適當的區分,避免產生問題。
</p><p><br></p><p> <strong> 9. A person should hang crystals around their office.</strong>
Crystals absorb negative energies in the work space. This ensures many
smooth days at work. Putting crystals on the person’s desk makes this
outcome more likely.
</p><p> <strong>在辦公室周圍挂一些水晶。</strong>水晶能吸收辦公室內的負能量,確保工作順利。在桌上擺放水晶,效果更佳。
</p><p><br></p><p> <strong>10. It is best to only use one door in a person’s office.</strong>
Even if the person has more than one door, they should keep all doors
closed but the one they want to enter. This is the Feng Shui method of
keeping money coming in, but not leaving.
</p><p> <strong>辦公室只用一扇門。</strong>如果辦公室有很多扇門,除了進出的那扇門以外,把其餘的關上。這也是風水學的一個道理:讓錢財只進不出。</p></p></p>