查看完整版本: 幸福很簡單:提升幸福感的6大妙招

lexus 2012-3-6 13:46


<p align="center"><strong> 1.和孩子在一起 </strong></p>
<p align="center"><strong><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104030.jpg"> </strong>
</p><p><strong>  1. Spend Some Time with the Little People in Your Life </strong>
</p><p><strong>  陪陪孩子 </strong>
</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p>  Studies show that being with their families is what children
like best. Hang out with your kids, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews to
cheer yourself up and bring them happiness too.
</p><p>  研究表明孩子們最喜歡和家裏人玩。和你的兒子或女兒、孫子或孫女、侄子或侄女、外甥或外甥女玩,既可以讓你開心,也可以給他們帶來歡樂。</p><p><br></p><p><strong>  2. Take a Chance </strong>
</p><p><strong>  碰碰運氣 </strong>
</p><p>  You’ve been dying to ask your boss for a raise and a promotion
that you know you deserve, but fear of rejection prevents you from
summoning up the courage. Sound familiar? According to Working Mother
magazine, if being afraid of disappointment keeps you from taking
chances, you’re actually making yourself less happy by holding back.
Next time, go for it. If you get what you wanted, you’ll be thrilled—and
if you don’t, you’ll probably find it stings less than you expected and
you’ll discover how resilient you truly are.
</p><p><br></p><p>  你一直覺得自己應該升職加薪,很想和老闆商量,但因怕遭到拒絕,一直鼓不起勇氣。這種場景是不是很熟悉?據《職業母親》雜誌報道,如果
糟,至少發現自己的適應力其實很不錯。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"> <strong> 3.打破慣例 </strong>
</p><p align="center"><strong> <img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104032.jpg"></strong>
</p><p><strong>  3. Mix It Up </strong>
</p><p><strong>  打破慣例 </strong>
</p><p>  You’re a creature of habit, and you’re at your best when you
get into the groove of a routine. Or so you think. Consistency, it turns
out, doesn’t always make you happier, particularly when it comes to
activities you enjoy. Rather than getting into a rut, try out a few new
running routes or mix up that tried-and-true Sunday morning brunch
</p><p>  習慣塑造了你,當養成例行習慣時,才會處於最佳狀態。你可能會這麼想。事實上,一成不變並不能總讓你開心,尤其是你喜歡的活動。與其照慣例行事,不如嘗試一下新的跑步路線,或打亂一下週日早午餐的例行程式吧。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><strong>4.買幸福&nbsp;</strong>
</p><p align="center"><strong><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104033.jpg"></strong>
</p><p><strong>  4. Buy Some Happiness </strong>
</p><p><strong>  花錢買幸福 </strong>
</p><p>  As many of us suspected, that old adage about money and
happiness just isn’t true. It’s not simply having money that matters,
it’s how you choose to spend it. If you enjoy baking, buying yourself
that fancy mixer you’ve always wanted will certainly cheer you up (as
long as you can afford it). But spending your money on other people,
research suggests, might make you even happier.
</p><p>  正如很多人懷疑的那樣,那個關於金錢和幸福的古老諺語並不正確。但要想幸福不是光有錢就可以,還要看你如何消費。如果你喜歡烘焙,給自己買一個嚮往已久的攪拌器會讓你開心起來(只要你能買得起)。研究表明,其實把錢花在其他人身上,可能會讓你更開心。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"> <strong> 5.塗鴉 </strong>
</p><p align="center"><strong> <img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104034.jpg"></strong>
</p><p><strong>  5. Doodle </strong>
</p><p><strong>  塗鴉 </strong>
</p><p>  This one may sound far-fetched, but making those little stars,
flowers, and faces in the margins of your notepad actually makes you
happier. The next time you’re stuck in a boring meeting, channel your
inner Charles Schulz and see for yourself.
</p><p>  這招貌似很牽強,但在記事本的空白處畫些小星星、小花和笑臉會讓你開心一些。下次在無聊的會議上,把你內心的查爾斯?舒爾茨調動起來,自己去試試這招是否管用吧。&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><p><strong>  6. Take a Quick Getaway </strong>
</p><p><strong>  度個短假 </strong>
</p><p>  It’s not surprising that vacations make us happy. What’s news,
however, is that the length of the vacation doesn’t necessarily matter.
According to a recent article in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the
pleasure we derive from getting away from it all isn’t measurably
different whether we take off for a week or a weekend.
</p><p>  度假會讓我們開心,一點兒也不足為奇。但是據最新消息,假期的長短對此並無影響。根據《幸福研究季刊》最近的一片文章,一週的假期還是一個週末的短假帶給我們的歡樂並沒有顯著的不同。&nbsp;</p></p>
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