查看完整版本: 保濕護理:冬季8大必備單品

lexus 2012-3-6 13:30


<p>  The cooler months have their charms, including hot chocolate, cozy
fires and pretty scenery. They also bring about a few woes, though, such
as dry skin, dry hair and dry lips. The key to keeping hydrated locks,
kissable lips and supple skin is to moisturize often and well. Consider
it the same as drinking water when you're thirsty. When your body craves
a little moisture -- and it will -- employ balms, salves, lotions and
creams to keep scales and cracks away.
</p><p><br></p><p>  寒冬臘月也有自己的魅力,熱熱的巧克力,愜意的火爐還有美麗的景色。儘管如此,寒冷也帶來了一些災難,比如乾燥的皮膚,乾枯的頭髮還有
水和面霜來驅走乾裂。</p><p><br></p><p>  <strong>Moisturizing Facial Mask </strong>
</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>  深層保濕面膜 </strong>
</p><p>  If your face is especially prone to dryness, apply a
moisturizing facial mask one or two times per week. As an alternative to
store-bought facial masks, make your own with products from your
refrigerator. Yogurt, bananas, honey and avocado all have moisturizing
</p><p>  如果你的臉部特別乾燥,每週使用深層保濕面膜1-2次。除了可以使用從商店直接買來的面膜外,你還可以自己用冰箱裏的東西進行製作。酸奶,香蕉,蜂蜜還有鱷梨都具有深層補水的功效。</p><p><br></p><p><strong>  Deep Conditioner </strong>
</p><p><strong>  深層護髮素 </strong>
</p><p>  Just as your skin dries out in the winter, so does your hair.
Condition every time you wash, but also invest in a deep-conditioning
treatment and apply it once weekly. Allow the conditioner to set for
five to 20 minutes before rinsing.
</p><p><br></p><p>  就像肌膚失水一樣,你的頭髮也會缺水。每次清洗都需要護理,但是也要花時間每週進行一次深層調理。在清洗之前,護髮素請保持5-20分鐘。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><strong><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104024.jpg"></strong>
</p><p>  <strong>Lip Balm </strong>
</p><p><strong>  潤唇膏 </strong>
</p><p>  Not only are dry, chapped lips uncomfortable -- and in some
cases painful -- but they're not very attractive. Carry a moisture-rich
lip balm with you at all times and apply it whenever you feel a dry
spell brewing.
</p><p><br></p><p>  乾燥開裂的雙唇不僅僅會不舒服,有時候可能是疼痛,而且他們也不足夠吸引人喔。隨身帶一支充分補水的潤唇膏,當你覺得乾燥將要降臨之時,及時補充吧。</p><p><br></p><p><strong>  Cuticle Oil </strong>
</p><p><strong>  護甲油 </strong>
</p><p>  Like most parts of your body, your cuticles and the skin around
your fingers dry out in the winter. This causes painful tearing and
peeling. Skip the sore fingers this year by investing in cuticle oil.
Alternatively, massage a drop of olive oil onto each nail and the
surrounding area and rinse after five minutes.
</p><p><br></p><p>  和身體的大部分一樣,冬季你的指甲和手指周圍的肌膚也會乾燥。這樣會造成難受的撕裂和蛻皮。使用護甲油讓你的手指擺脫疼痛吧。除此之外,還可以在每一片指甲上還有周圍皮膚上滴上一滴橄欖油進行按摩,5分鐘後沖洗。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><strong>&nbsp;<img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104026.jpg"></strong>
</p><p><strong>  Facial Moisturizer </strong>
</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>  保濕乳液 </strong>
</p><p>  Not all moisturizers are created equally, and some do not
belong on your face. Because facial skin is much more sensitive -- and
far more prone to acne or drying -- than skin in other areas, use a
moisturizer specifically created for the face. Apply a thin layer at
least once daily.
</p><p><br></p><p>  不是所有的保濕乳液都是一樣的,一些就不適合你的肌膚。因為面部肌膚更加敏感,而且也比身體其他地方更容易滋長粉刺和乾燥,用特別為臉部設計的保濕乳液。每天至少薄薄地涂一次。&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><p align="center"><strong> <img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104027.jpg"></strong>
</p><p><strong>  Foot Soak and Cream </strong>
</p><p><strong>  足部浸泡與精華霜 </strong>
</p><p>  Just because your feet don't come out to play in the winter
doesn't mean you should neglect them. Avoid flaky, rough and cracking
skin with the help of a moisturizing foot soak. Follow up with a
heavy-duty foot cream to keep feet supple.
</p><p><br></p><p>  不要因為你的腳冬天不出來玩,就意味著你可以忽視他的護理喔。足部浸泡可以讓你遠離粗糙和乾燥的肌膚,耐用的腳部精華霜配套使用可以保持腳部水分。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><strong><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/01/04/LiKL120104028.jpg"></strong>
</p><p><strong>  All-Over Moisturizer </strong>
</p><p><strong>  全身潤膚霜 </strong>
</p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p>  It goes without saying that an all-over moisturizer is a must
for the winter months. Choose a lotion that absorbs easily into the skin
and doesn't leave a sticky residue. Moisturize after every shower and
at least once daily to keep crocodile skin at bay.&nbsp;
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查看完整版本: 保濕護理:冬季8大必備單品