99770 2012-2-21 14:25
Of course, we'd all love to have a major beauty stash, but
sometimes we just don't have all of those cool tools at our disposal.
When you're in need of a quick beauty fix, here are a few tips to get
you through!<div><span style="line-height: 20px;"><br></span></div><div><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_1.htm" style="text-align: -webkit-center; "><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/6c7866bd96cc4961ad32d6fc58f5a3c5.jpg" border="0" style="border-width: initial; border-color: initial; border-width: initial; border-color: initial; "></a></div><div><span style="line-height: 20px;"><br></span><p></p><p> 沒錯,我們都想有個專業的化粧盒,但是有的時候我們無法擁有所以的化粧小工具。可當你需要快速補粧時(卻發現手頭沒有趁手的化粧工具),下面幾個小技巧能解決你的燃眉之急。</p><p><br></p><p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_2.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/7bcaa3b128014a8e82ad57cacfde3d0b.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p> <strong>Extreme Curl Lashes...彎彎睫毛</strong>
</p><p> There are several heated lash curlers on the market right now,
but you can save yourself a few bucks by heating up your own lash curler
with a blow dryer. Heat for a few seconds, then curl your lashes for a
lasting effect.
</p><p> 市場上有幾種帶加熱功能的睫毛夾,但其實你可以不花冤枉錢,自己動手加熱睫毛夾。用吹風機加熱睫毛夾幾秒鐘,就能讓你的睫毛持久彎曲。</p><p><br></p><p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_3.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/aa4cc83a35e044d19a2e5f8bc07f5324.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p><strong> Soft, Silky Tresses...絲柔秀髮</strong>
</p><p> You're all out of hair serum, which, if you live in
Mississippi, is a crisis situation. The humidity here will totally kill
your hairstyle. When this happens, use a dime-sized amount of baby oil
on your hair. Not only will it act as a frizz controlling hair serum, it
will also add extra sheen.
</p><p> 護髮素用光了,這算不得什麼大事。可如果你住在密西西比,那就是情勢危急了。那裏的空氣濕度會徹底毀了你的髮型。這種情況下,你可以用少量嬰兒潤膚油涂在頭髮上。它不但能解決頭髮捲曲的問題,還能讓你的秀髮更有光澤。</p><p><br></p><p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_4.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/9a1c8491399e4f71ba42c6862bdafa23.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p> <strong>Luxurious Legs...光滑美腿</strong>
</p><p> Here's a Beauty and the Budget tried and true shaving tip: When
you're all out of shaving cream, substitute with conditioner. Suave
conditioner has been my form of shaving cream in the past. I've found
that not only do my legs turn out silkier, but they also smell
</p><p> 下面這個美容又省錢的方法被親身證實過:如果你的剃鬚膏用光了,可以用護髮素替代。過去我一直用Suave牌護髮素替代剃鬚膏。它不但能讓腿部光滑,還有好聞的香味。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_5.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/6f4d616737714b2b89c5472f69a9e51b.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p> <strong>Rosy Cheeks...紅潤臉頰</strong>
</p><p> Did your favorite blush just crush into pieces all over the
floor? No worries! Simply dab your favorite pink or red lipstick on your
cheeks. Rub in gently with your finger (or a makeup sponge) in a
circular motion. Then cover lightly with powder, and voila!
</p><p> 剛剛打碎你最心愛的腮紅?別擔心!用你喜歡的粉色或紅色口紅輕輕涂在面頰。然後用手指畫圈,輕柔的擦拭均勻。最後再薄薄撲上一層粉。完工!</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_6.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/2e40e31f7964421ea41958bf283ac1d6.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p> <strong> A Lasting Smoky Eye...持久煙熏</strong>
</p><p> When you want that perfect smoky eye, you don't have to spend
lots of money on the perfect eyeliner or smudging tools. Although a
smudge applicator is helpful, you can get the perfect smoky eye by
simply heating up your eye pencil. You can hold the eye pencil over a
candle, but since I don't typically light candles at six in the morning
before work, I usually just hold the pencil close to my Chi. The heat
will melt the liner, making the eye pencil go on extremely smooth.
*Note: Do not hold pencil directly next to the Chi iron plate. Hold it
close to the Chi for about three seconds.
</p><p> 想要完美的煙熏粧,不需要昂貴的眼線筆和塗抹工具。只需要一支加熱的眼線筆,你自己也能畫出完美的煙熏粧。你可以用蠟燭加熱眼線筆,但
太近。加熱三秒鐘就可以了。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_7.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/a1992fb695b340d99fd9eb230434b6b8.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p> <strong>The Perfect, Smudge-Free Mani...輕鬆美甲</strong>
</p><p> When you're all out of Quick Dry, or if you just don't care to
spend the money on it, skip it completely! Instead, let your nails air
dry for about two to three minutes. Next, submerge nails in icy water
for about three minutes.
</p><p> 如果你對指甲油快幹液不感興趣,或者你不想在這上面花錢,就把這一步省去吧!先讓指甲自然乾燥兩三分鐘,再在冷水中浸約三分鐘。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><a href="http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/33160/2011/12/23/6031s3491954_8.htm"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/ed91e7d060c64ecdb977fdcd471d62a1.jpg" border="0"></a></p>
<p> <strong>A Wrinkle and Acne Free Face...去皺無痕</strong>
</p><p> Can't afford expensive wrinkle creams? Retinoid creams actually help to smooth wrinkles and get rid of zits overnight!
</p><p> 昂貴的抗皺霜令你囊中羞澀?維甲酸霜對抗皺紋非常有效,還能在一夜之間解決你的痘痘問題。</p><p><br></p><p align="center"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/12/23/c7da0172600c4a888f1464d1f79ac29d.jpg"></p>
<p> <strong>Well-Groomed Cuticles...清潔角質</strong>
</p><p> If you don't regularly get a manicure or have a cuticle pusher
in your beauty stash, simply use a warm washcloth to push back your
cuticles. I like to let my nails soak in hot water first.
</p><p> 如果你不常去做指甲護理,化粧包裏又沒有美甲推,簡簡單單一條熱毛巾也能用來推去角質。我喜歡先用熱水泡一下指甲。 </p></p></p></p></div>