查看完整版本: 美國人為何常用hog代替pig

99770 2011-11-29 15:31


<p>  今天我們要講的習慣用語裏都有這樣一個關鍵詞彙:hog。美國人常用hog代替pig這個詞來指豬。據說豬是最聰明的飛禽走獸之一,然而它們在
<p>  <strong>例如我們要學的第一個習慣用語的含義就是正面的:live high off the hog,</strong>這個習慣用語起源於美國南方。本意是上好的肉類食品(像火腿,排骨之類,都來自豬身的上半部分),引申為生活過得很寬裕。</p><p><br></p>
<p align="center"><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/07/14/77/17109966971067587289.jpg"></p><p align="center"><br></p>
<p>  例句-1:Green has never been able to hold a job more than six months.
But he's been living high off the hog ever since his rich aunt died and
left him all her money.</p>
<p>  格林從沒有過一份工作能做滿六個月的。但是他那有錢的姑媽去世後把全部錢財都留給了格林,所以他日子過得還挺舒服。</p><p><br></p>
<p>  例句-2:With the kids out of the nest, at long last they can live high
off the hog. First they'll take a long tour around the world and then
buy a house in Florida near the beach.</p>
<p>  孩子們都離家獨立後,他倆終於可以過上寬裕舒心的日子了。首先他們打算來個環球旅行,然後再在佛羅裏達海濱買棟房子。</p>
<p>  <strong>第二個帶有hog這個詞的習慣用語是go whole hog,</strong>意為“竭盡全力幹到底”。關於這個習慣用語的出典眾說不一。有一種講法是很久前在愛爾蘭俚語中hog是最大最重的錢幣,就是大洋。在當時也算是一大筆錢了,而go whole hog就是把整塊大洋一下子花完。</p><p><br></p>
<p>  例句-3:Sure, it's expensive but I decided to go whole hog. We ate in
the best places and saw the top Broadway Shows. Okay, I spent all my
money but the family had a wonderful time!</p>
<p>  那次度假花費很大,但是我決定乾脆徹底地玩一次:我們在最豪華的飯館吃飯,還看了一流的百老彙歌舞劇。我的確把錢都花了個精光,但是全家玩兒得可真痛快。</p><p><br></p>
<p>  例句-4:Yes, I went whole hog and bought the big set. My wife was
pretty upset when she saw the bill. So I had to take her out to a fancy
restaurant for an evening of dining and dancing.</p>
<p>  我真是不惜傾囊地買下了那臺大電視機。我妻子看到帳單時很不高興,所以我晚上不得不請她出去吃了頓大餐,跳了跳舞。</p>
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