查看完整版本: 英語表達“緣分”N種

nobody 2011-11-20 12:16


<P>  【各種"緣"的英語表達】</P>
<P>  1. for no reason at all 無緣無故地</P>
<P>  例句:There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.</P>
<P>  世上沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨。</P>
<P>  2.blood relationship 血緣</P>
<P>  例句:Serology of 23 Gray Leaf Spot Pathogens Blood Relationship.</P>
<P>  23個玉米灰斑病菌菌株親緣關係的血清學研究。</P>
<P>  3. tie the nuptial knot 喜結良緣</P>
<P>  例句:Under French law , couples must tie the knot before a mayor to make their union official .</P>
<P>  根據法國法律,新人舉行婚禮必須有市長見證,才可正式結為合法夫妻。</P>
<P>  4.Fate brings together people who are far apart.</P>
<P>  有緣終相逢。</P>
<P>  5. A good marriage arranged in Heaven</P>
<P>  天賜良緣。</P>
<P><IMG border=0 src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/07/11/f11ed14618854545b8fe48f029ec1a73.jpg"></P>
<P>  6.I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan ,because I myself am on the mountain.</P>
<P>  不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中。</P>
<P>  7.Two beings destined to marry each other, though thousands of miles apart, are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old man under the moonlight.</P>
<P>  千里姻緣一線牽。</P>
<P>  8.As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way.</P>
<P>  有緣千里來相會,無緣對面不相逢。</P>
<P>  9.It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other.</P>
<P>  真遺憾,我們一直無緣相見。</P>
<P>  10. As luck would have it, I found a job.</P>
<P>  機緣湊巧,我找到一份工作。</P>
<P>  11.The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be conjugally tied.</P>
<P>  他們倆有情無緣。</P>
<P>  12. Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.</P>
<P>  我與煙酒無緣。<BR></P>
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