查看完整版本: 情人眼裏出西施 什麼是"BQ"

girl 2011-9-24 18:46

情人眼裏出西施 什麼是"BQ"

<P>  什麼是美?對於這個問題,可能每個人心中都有一個不同的答案,所以才會有“情人眼裏出西施”這一說。不過,人類社會在發展過程中總是能總結出一些相通的規律。比如說,對於美,我們也有一個“美商”來做個寬泛的定義。</P>
<P align=left><IMG src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/06/15/24/11023104204258453940.jpg"></P>
<P align=left>&nbsp;</P>
<P>  Each woman has a Beauty Quotient. This quotient is made up of three distinct categories: Physical Health, Psychological Health and Personal Appearance.</P>
<P>  每個女人都有美商(<STRONG>Beauty Quotient</STRONG>,簡寫為BQ),而美商是由身體健康、心理健康以及個人形象這三部分組成的。</P>
<P>  Physical Health consists of corporeal characteristics that define a woman's beauty. Each and every woman has physical characteristics that are truly beautiful. A woman's face or body can be structurally imperfect, but still exquisite.</P>
<P>  身體健康主要指能夠展現女人美麗的身體特徵。每個女人都有絕對美麗的身體特徵。可能她的臉或者身體有外形上的不足之處,但仍然是有獨特魅力的。</P>
<P>  Psychological Health involves one's personality, intelligence, sensitivity and warmth, sense of humor, attitude and overall level of confidence.</P>
<P>  心理健康包括一個人的個性、智力、體貼與溫暖、幽默感、態度以及整個人的自信程度。</P>
<P>  Personal Appearance includes your beauty routine. This involves habits regarding skin-care regimen, hair and makeup routines, wardrobe, posture and style.</P>
<P>  個人形象多指日常的個人護理習慣,包括護膚習慣、髮型和化粧方式、衣裝儲備,以及舉止和風格。</P>
<P>  It is the combination of physical and mental elements from these three categories that define a woman's beauty.</P>
<P>  以上三個部分中身心各因素的結合才能造就一個女人的美麗。</P>
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查看完整版本: 情人眼裏出西施 什麼是"BQ"