查看完整版本: 白領衣櫥必備:"黑色小禮服"英文

girl 2011-9-24 18:44


<P>  工作以後,難免會有一些場合需要穿正裝。每當這個時候,我們就會發現多數女性穿的都是黑色小裙子,不管搭配什麼樣的外套或配飾,看上去都很得體。看來衣櫥裏不能少了黑色小禮服喔。</P>
<P align=left><IMG src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/06/14/22/17655276541865308318.jpg"></P>
<P class=pictext align=center>&nbsp;</P>
<P class=pictext align=left>衣櫥必備的LED</P>
<P>  A little black dress is dress typically short on both top and bottom, with little decoration, and useful for nearly any occasion. It is minimal to call attention to the wearer without distracting。</P>
<P>  Little black dress(多譯作“小禮服”)指上下裁剪都較短的禮服,裝飾很少,各類場合都適宜穿著。不扎眼但又能吸引別人注意。</P>
<P>  Fashion historians ascribe the origins of the little black dress to the 1920s designs of Coco Chanel, intended to be long-lasting, versatile, affordable, accessible to the widest market possible and in a neutral color. Its ubiquity is such that it is often simply referred to as the "LBD."</P>
<P>  時尚歷史學家稱這樣的小禮服可以追溯到上世紀20年代可可·香奈兒的設計,設計初衷就是要讓其長久流行、多功能、價格適中、通行于各類市場而且顏色低調。這款小禮服幾乎已無處不在,因此很多時候大家都將其簡稱為LBD。</P>
<P>  For example:</P>
<P>  The "little black dress" is considered essential to a complete wardrobe by many women and fashion observers。</P>
<P>  很多女性和時尚達人都認為,沒有小禮服的衣櫥不能算是一個完整的衣櫥。</P>
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查看完整版本: 白領衣櫥必備:"黑色小禮服"英文