查看完整版本: 背單詞時常見的"浴缸效應"

girl 2011-9-24 18:38


<P>  很多人都說他們學英語的時候最大的障礙就是單詞記不住。經常記住了前面的,忘了後面的;要不就是單詞字母記錯了順序。有人研究發現,單詞的開頭和結尾比中間部分更容易被記住。你有這個體會嗎?</P>
<P align=center><IMG src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/06/08/85/17878635881705805289.jpg"></P>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P>
<P>  The <STRONG>'bathtub effect</STRONG>' is perhaps the most commonly reported finding in the literature on memory for words. People remember the beginnings and ends of words better than the middles, as if the word were a person lying in a bathtub, with their head out of the water at one end and their feet out at the other. And, just as in a bathtub the head is further out of the water and more prominent than the feet, so the beginnings of words are, on average, better remembered than the ends.</P>
<P>  “浴缸效應”大概是與背單詞有關的文獻記錄中最常見的一個現象了。人們記單詞的時候,對詞的頭和尾往往比中間部分記得更牢。這就好像單詞是躺在浴缸裏的一個人,頭和腳都露出水面。而同時,頭露出水面的部分往往比腳要多,而且比腳更加顯眼。因此,單詞的開頭部分一般都比結尾部分更容易被記住。</P>
<P>  For example:</P>
<P>  His name is long and rarely seen. I can only recall it begins with “Ja” and end with “son”. Caught by the bathtub effect again.</P>
<P>  他的名字有點長而且很少見。我只記得是以Ja開頭,以son結尾的。“浴缸效應”又犯了。</P>
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