查看完整版本: 《加勒比海盜4》傑克船長經典台詞

intel 2011-9-16 14:51


<P>  I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only!</P>
<P>  我是傑克·斯派洛船長。獨此一家,如假包換。</P>
<P>  【Say:The only!!觀眾們都表示同意……】</P>
<P><IMG border=0 src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/06/07/11dae2197d5a4bad868eb7f44b127b9c.jpg"></P>
<P>  Captain, I wish to report a mutiny! I can name fingers and point names。</P>
<P>  船長大人,我來跟你彙報謀反的人的名單吧。我能扳著指頭數出來,一個個名字報給你聽。</P>
<P>  【Say:明明你就是謀反的頭頭,噗!】</P>
<P>  Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again。</P>
<P>  大傢夥兒都見著沒?別讓我再來一次了哈。</P>
<P>  【Say:看到了耶~~太帥的大爆炸+燈塔跳水咯。上廁所錯過精彩片段的童鞋請自重。】</P>
<P>  Clergyman...on the off chance that this does not go well for me, I would like you to note it–hearing now–that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, and be welcomed into that place where all the "goody-goodies" want to go once they pop their clogs. Savvy?</P>
<P>  傳教士先生……萬一這一行我有什麼三長兩短的話,我希望你能記住……挺好了哈……我完全準備好了皈依隨便神馬信仰,這樣就能讓我跟著那些老好人們翹辮子之後該上哪兒上哪兒,你滴明白?</P>
<P>  【Say:好不嚴肅啊船長大人……宗教信仰哪有這麼隨便唷!】</P>
<P>  You know that feeling you get, sometimes, in a high place, with the sudden urge to jump?...I don't have it。</P>
<P>  話說你們那種感覺沒有?那種站在很高滴地方,突然就很想跳下去啥的?這個我真沒有。</P>
<P>  【Say:嗯,我也沒這感覺……】</P>
<P>  It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say。</P>
<P>  人家說目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的過程嘛。</P>
<P>  【Say:為什麼這麼有道理的一句話被你一說就這麼有喜感呢?】</P>
<P>  The Fountain does tests you, Gibbs. But better to not know which moment may be your last, every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite</P>
<P>  mystery of it all. And whose to say I won't live forever, eh? Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth. I have no saying it, Gibbs. It's a pirate's life for me. Savvy?</P>
<P>  不老泉是一個考驗。不過我寧願不知道自己的生命終點是什麼時候,讓自己活在無止境的未知謎團之中。而且誰說我就不能長生不老咧,是吧?好歹也是“發現不老泉的人”耶。自己可沒法定生死,海盜生活,我過著挺樂的唷。你滴明白?</P>
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查看完整版本: 《加勒比海盜4》傑克船長經典台詞