intel 2011-9-16 14:40
<P> 你是購物狂shopaholic嗎?要當一個兢兢業業誠誠懇懇的購物狂,這些問題你必須知道:</P>
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<P> 1. 購物狂最喜歡的兩個日子是?</P>
<P> Black Friday(感恩節後第二天)和Boxing Day(聖誕後第二天)。 為什麼?這兩天都是銷售旺季啊!Black Friday標誌著Christmas Shopping Season的開始:</P>
<P> On this day, many retailers open very early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off the shopping season. Black Friday is not actually a holiday, but many employers give their employees the day off, increasing the number of potential shoppers。</P>
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<P> 這一天商店開門都會很早,淩晨四點就會開門,雖然不是法定節假日,但基本上這一天都會放假,無形中給了大家購物的機會。</P>
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<P> Boxing Day中文裏稱之為節禮日,這一天商家都會打折,所以是購物的好日子:</P>
<P> In Britain, Canada, New Zealand and some states of Australia, Boxing Day is primarily known as a shopping holiday, much like the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. It is a time where shops have sales, often with dramatic price decreases. For many merchants, Boxing Day has become the day of the year with the greatest revenue。</P>
<P> 在英國、加拿大、紐西蘭和澳大利亞一些地區,節禮日的意義跟美國的Black Friday一樣,是名副其實的購物日,這一天各處都有打折,商家在這一天的收益幾乎是全年最多的。</P>
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<P> 2. 購物之後,除了商品,還有什麼不能忘記?</P>
<P> 不要忘拿receipt(收據),上面通常會印有Exchange and refund policy:90day exchange,30day refund with tags.90天之內可以更換商品,30天內可以退貨(商品完好的狀況下)</P>
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<P> 3. 除了節假日打折,還有哪些省錢妙招?</P>
<P> 節假日之外我們還可以用到coupon,優惠券;一般商場裏平時也會有降價出售以吸引人氣的商品,這種稱為loss leader。超市或者便利店裏還有送積分的活動,這種叫做frequent shopper program,買的多,積分多,一般就會有折扣或者禮物。想當一個職業的購物狂嘛?買東西前真的要多做homework哦~</P>