查看完整版本: 告誡創業者的15句話

nobody 2011-8-26 12:45


<P>  下面是15句對創業者的忠告,你可以說給你打算創業的同學聽聽。</P>
<P>  1. Be slow to hire and quick to fire.</P>
<P>  招人要慎重,炒人要迅速。</P>
<P>  2. Create the best environment you can for your team.</P>
<P>  為你的團隊創造最好的工作環境。</P>
<P align=left><IMG src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/05/18/29/9137647586205647957.jpg"></P>
<P align=left>&nbsp;</P>
<P class=pictext align=left>  3. Companies aren't just about profits.</P>
<P>  開公司不僅僅是為了錢。</P>
<P>  4. Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue.</P>
<P>  經常性收入是收入的最好形式。</P>
<P>  5. Your idea isn't unique.</P>
<P>  不要以為天底下只有你想到了這個主意。</P>
<P>  6. People identify with companies more so than products.</P>
<P>  人們認同公司,甚于認同產品。</P>
<P>  7. Celebrate the small victories.</P>
<P>  即使是微小的勝利,也值得慶祝。</P>
<P>  8. 99% of decisions aren't permanent.</P>
<P>  99%的決策都是可以更改的。</P>
<P>  9. The biggest challenge with growth is keeping everyone aligned.</P>
<P>  快速增長帶來的最大挑戰,就是如何讓每個員工找到合適自己的位置。</P>
<P>  10. Price differentiation doesn't last long but customer service does.</P>
<P>  價格戰走不遠,客戶服務才是根本。</P>
<P>  11. Build relationships before you need them.</P>
<P>  打好各種人際關係,日後會幫到你。</P>
<P>  12. You should be opinionated about your product when considering customer suggestions.</P>
<P>  不要被用戶的意見左右。</P>
<P>  13. Don't burn any bridges as it is a small world.</P>
<P>  不要過河拆橋,世界很小,保不準哪天你們會再遇到。</P>
<P>  14. Empower customers to help sell new customers.</P>
<P>  讓客戶成為你的銷售員。</P>
<P>  15. You only get one first impression.</P>
<P>  你只有一次機會給別人留下第一印象。</P>
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