wii168 2011-8-10 12:27
<P> 1. Cinderella was <STRONG>head over heels in love</STRONG>with Prince Charming.</P>
<P> 灰姑娘深深愛上了白馬王子。</P>
<P> <STRONG>head over heels in love:</STRONG>when someone is totally in love and is excited about it 深深愛上某人、愛得神魂顛倒</P>
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<P> 2. To get Judy to go out with him, Bob lied and told her that her boyfriend was seeing another woman. "<STRONG>All's fair in love and war</STRONG>", he told himself.</P>
<P> 為了約朱迪出去,鮑勃撒謊說朱迪的男友背著她見其他女人。他還對自己說:“在愛情和戰爭中,一切都情有可原。”</P>
<P> <STRONG>All's fair in love and war:</STRONG>In some situations, such as when you are in love or waging war, you are allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want. 在愛情和戰爭中,一切都情有可原。</P>
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<P> 3. My Grandma likes to dance with me: she's very <STRONG>young at heart</STRONG>.</P>
<P> 我奶奶喜歡跟我跳舞:她可真是人老心不老啊!</P>
<P> <STRONG>young at heart:</STRONG>when a person thinks and behaves as if they are younger than their actual age 人老心不老、心態年輕</P>
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<P> 4. Tom is so handsome – he's a real <STRONG>heart-throb</STRONG>.</P>
<P> 湯姆長得很帥,他可真算得上是個“萬人迷”。</P>
<P> <STRONG>heart-throb:</STRONG> a famous person who people find attractive 迷人的出名男子,大眾情人(尤指男演員或歌手)</P>
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<P> 5. I told my friend that he had upset me and we had a <STRONG>heart-to-heart</STRONG>.</P>
<P> 我告訴我朋友說我對他有些意見,我們開誠佈公地談了一次。</P>
<P> <STRONG>heart-to-heart:</STRONG> a serious talk between people, where they talk openly and honestly about their feelings 坦誠親切的交談;談心</P>
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<P><IMG border=0 src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/04/21/a4d1bd4bcd374e57a43a59ce6097c99b.jpg"></P>
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<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P>