wii168 2011-7-11 10:52
<P> 現代人的生活節奏都很快,為了緩解壓力,人們自然也需要找機會放鬆放鬆。今天我們就來學習一下美國的年輕人常用來表達“放鬆”的兩個詞。</P>
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<P> 1. Veg</P>
<P> Veg是vegetable的簡略形式。Vegetable是蔬菜,長在地上的蔬菜是不能自由活動的,它靜靜地呆在原地不動。表面看來蔬菜被動呆板,但換個角度來想它們倒也活得悠閒自在。Veg可引申為“什麼也不幹,什麼也不想,完完全全地放鬆休息”。例如:</P>
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<P> I'm so glad that the week is almost over! I've had too much work to do. So I'm staying home and veggingthis weekend. I won't do anything, not even think about my deadlines next week.</P>
<P> 我真高興這個星期總算快過完了,這周的事情實在太多了。所以週末我準備待在家,什麼也不幹,我甚至不會去想下周要截止的那些工作。</P>
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<P> I've run around the office all day. I'm exhausted! A whole pot of coffee couldn't keep me awake. I'm going straight home to veg-- maybe watch a little television, then go to bed.</P>
<P> 我一整天都在辦公室裏東奔西走,累死了!喝一整壺咖啡都沒法讓我提起精神,我要直接回家休息,可能看一下電視就上床睡覺了。</P>
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<P> 2. Chill</P>
<P> Chill這個詞通常跟冷有關,既可以是身體上的冷感也可以是情緒上的冷靜,例如:</P>
<P> Oh, no! Mom's going to be so mad that we broke the window, and we'll be in deep trouble. We've got to chilland think about what story we can tell her, so she won't get too angry.</P>
<P> 糟了!媽媽看到我們打破玻璃窗會大發脾氣的,我們要倒楣了。我們一定要冷靜下來好好想一想,可以編出一套什麼話來跟她解釋,讓她別那麼生氣。</P>
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<P> Chill這個詞也可以用來指”從事一些輕鬆悠閒的活動、放鬆休息等“。</P>
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<P> We didn't do much yesterday. Tim came over to my house, and we pretty much chilledthere all day. We watched TV, played a few video games, and had some snacks -- nothing special.</P>
<P> 我們昨天沒做什麼,蒂姆來我家,我倆在家呆了一整天,我們看了會兒電視,再玩兒了幾盤電子遊戲,然後吃了點兒點心,沒什麼特別的活動。</P>