Kelly 2011-7-1 15:39
1. In a small bowl, combine equal parts warm water and sweetened cocoa powder.
<P> 在一個小碗裏,放入等份溫水和甜可可粉。 </P>
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<P>2. Stir until it forms a smooth syrup. </P>
<P> 攪拌成漿; </P>
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<P>3. Pour 2 Tbsp. of the syrup into an 8 oz. cup. </P>
<P> 再舀2湯勺的漿放入一個8盎司的杯子中; </P>
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<P><IMG border=0 src=""></P>
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<P>4. Add a shot (1 oz.) of espresso or double-strength, dark-roasted coffee. (To brew double-strength coffee, use 4 Tbsp. of ground coffee for every 6 oz. of water.) </P>
<P> 加一盎司的炭燒咖啡,或者特濃咖啡(如果想煮更濃的咖啡,就加4湯勺的咖啡粉,配以6盎司的水,這樣煮出來的味道更香濃) </P>
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<P>5. Fill the rest of your cup with steamed milk. (If you don't have a milk steamer, heat milk on the stove to between 140 and 160 degrees.) </P>
<P> 在杯子中倒滿蒸牛奶,如果你沒有牛奶蒸籠,就將牛奶在小鍋中煮,溫度為140-160度適宜) </P>
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<P>6. Top with whipped cream and enjoy! </P>
<P> 在咖啡上加點奶油花,好了,一杯熱呼呼的星巴克咖啡,敬請享用吧!!</P>