查看完整版本: 職場如魚得水的 "社交變色龍"

Kelly 2011-6-22 15:43

職場如魚得水的 "社交變色龍"

<P align=center><IMG src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/02/24/90/8399731863757714086.jpg"></P>
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<P>  A <STRONG>social chameleon</STRONG>is an individual who has the ability to enter social situations and blend in by adopting or mimicking the social norms displayed by the other participants in the situation.</P>
<P>  “社交變色龍”指在某個社會環境中能夠通過吸收或模倣其他參與者所遵循的社會準則而進入並融入該環境的人。</P>
<P>  A social chameleon will adopt and reflect the mood and sentiment of the situation and suppress their own. A chameleon will synthesise an opinion or position from observing those displayed by others in the situation, and forget that position when the social situation is left. The ultimate objective of the social chameleon is to blend into the social situation without disturbing that situation.</P>
<P>  “社交變色龍”會吸納並反應所處環境的情緒和狀態,而壓抑自己本身的情緒。他們會觀察該環境中的其他人的態度和意見然後綜合表達出一個合適的看法,而在他們離開那個社交環境時這個看法便被拋諸腦後。他們的最終目標是在不知不覺的情況下融入這個社交環境。</P>
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查看完整版本: 職場如魚得水的 "社交變色龍"