toyota 2011-6-7 14:15
又沒發獎金? 9句英語發洩不滿
<P> </P>
<P>1. Sooner or later, you'll <STRONG>get your conscience smitten</STRONG>.</P>
<P> 總有一天,你會受到良心的譴責的。</P>
<P> </P>
<P>2. She must be <STRONG>having a few buttons missing</STRONG>. That's why it's useless to argue with her.</P>
<P> 她肯定是腦子缺根弦。你跟她理論也沒用。</P>
<P> </P>
<P>3. She should <STRONG>have it coming</STRONG>on her, for she's been too conceited.</P>
<P> 她活該。誰讓她總是那麼趾高氣昂的。</P>
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<P><IMG border=0 src=""></P>
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<P>4. She's an <STRONG>apple-polisher</STRONG>.</P>
<P> 她真是個馬屁精。</P>
<P> </P>
<P>5. I regard him as a <STRONG>stick-in-the-mud</STRONG>. He can't accept anything new.</P>
<P> 我看他就是個老古董。他根本沒法接受新知識。</P>
<P> </P>
<P>6. I've never met such an <STRONG>ignoramus</STRONG>.</P>
<P> 我從沒見過這麼無知的人。</P>
wisdomleo 2011-6-7 15:02
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謝 謝分享阿 :victory: :victory: