查看完整版本: 你身邊有門門通的"煎餅人"嗎?

nobody 2011-6-7 12:42


<P>上學的時候,我們學過一句英語諺語“Jack of all trades, master of none”,說的是Jack這個孩子什麼都懂一點,但每樣都不精通。老師教育我們說做事情要專注,要刨根究底,知其然,還要知其所以然。誰知,到了偉大的 21世紀,Jack小朋友又跑出來了,而且同伴還不少呢。</P>
<P>With the development of the Internet and other sources of instantaneous information, many people strive to gain at least a working knowledge of many different subjects. They are so-called “<STRONG>pancake people</STRONG>”, they no longer concentrate their energies on one area of interest, but instead choose to spread themselves thinly over a large area. As a result, a new generation of pancake people have essentially become the proverbial jacks of all trades, but masters of none.</P>
<P>  隨著網路和各種資訊渠道的發展,很多人都力求在各個不同領域都至少獲得一些基本的操作知識。他們就是所謂的“煎餅人”,他們不再將精力專注于某一個感興趣的領域,而是讓自己的關注點淺淺地散佈在一個很大的範圍。由此,新一代的“煎餅人”就真的成諺語裏說的“門門通,門門松”了。</P>
<P>  The term “pancake people” is largely seen as a negative commentary on the current age of instantaneous information. The ability to access even the most obscure information in a matter of seconds may be seen as a positive social development on one level, but it can also cause some people to become less inclined to delve more deeply into one particular subject of interest. As a result, a generation of overloaded pancake people may become more obsessed with popular culture and less interested in the larger arc of human history.</P>
<P>  在當前這個即時資訊時代,“煎餅人”這個詞很大程度上被看作是一個貶義詞。在幾秒內獲得稀缺資訊的能力可能是社會發展積極的一方面,但同時也會讓一些人不願意深究某一個感興趣的主題。結果,這一代資訊過量的“煎餅人”可能會對流行文化過分沉迷,而對人類歷史的更廣泛領域卻鮮有興致。</P>
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