查看完整版本: 你不一定知道的show短語

wii168 2011-5-13 11:47


<P> Show的意思大家都明白,就是“展示”,也是大家熟知的“秀”。像show off(顯擺)、show someone around(帶某人遊覽、參觀)這樣的短語大家也一定不陌生。但是有些跟show有關的短語,不一定是字面上所表示的意思,多半都有深層寓意,今天我們就來看幾個這樣的短語。</P>
<P><IMG border=0 src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2010/12/17/69/911711036585453401.jpg"></P>
<P><STRONG>1. show one's true colors 露出了本來面目;原形畢露</STRONG></P>
<P>  I believe that he will <STRONG>show his true colors</STRONG>someday.</P>
<P>  我相信總有一天他會現出原形的。</P>
<P>  </P>
<P><STRONG>2. show someone the door 將某人趕出來;讓某人離開</STRONG></P>
<P class=pictext align=left>  Dick was rude to my family and I simply <STRONG>showed him the door</STRONG>.</P>
<P>  迪克對我家人無禮,所以我把他趕出去了。</P>
<P>  </P>
<P><STRONG>3. show someone the ropes 傳授秘訣;告訴某人工作的竅門</STRONG></P>
<P>  The new secretary started today so I spent most of the morning <STRONG>showing her the ropes</STRONG>.</P>
<P>  新來的秘書今天開始工作,所以我花了一上午時間來教她熟悉工作。</P>
<P>  </P>
<P>4. <STRONG>show the white feather 畏縮不前,顯示膽怯或懦弱</STRONG>(這個說法來自鬥雞,如雞的羽毛出現白色,顯示飼養得不好)</P>
<P>  Don’t <STRONG>show the white feather</STRONG>, fight for your beliefs.</P>
<P>  不要害怕,要為你的信念而戰。</P>
<P>  </P>
<P><STRONG>5. show one's teeth 發怒</STRONG></P>
<P>  If you cannot bite, never <STRONG>show your teeth</STRONG>.</P>
<P>  不會咬人就別呲牙裂嘴。(沒本事別逞強)</P>
<P>  </P>
<P><STRONG>6. show of hands 舉手表決</STRONG></P>
<P>  The issue was decided by a <STRONG>show of hands</STRONG>.</P>
<P>  這件事是通過舉手表決決定的</P>
<P>  </P>
<P><STRONG>7. show one's hand 表明自己的計劃或意圖;攤牌</STRONG></P>
<P>  Don't <STRONG>show your hand</STRONG>too early.</P>
<P>  不要過早攤牌。</P>
<P>  </P>
<P><STRONG>8. show one's heels 逃走,逃離</STRONG></P>
<P>  As soon as the burglar alarm went off, the housebreaker <STRONG>showed his heels</STRONG>.</P>
<P>  防竊報警器一響,那個小偷就逃之夭夭了。</P>
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查看完整版本: 你不一定知道的show短語