Louissai 2011-3-22 10:23
人之初 性本善 性相近 習相遠 <br>
Men at their birth, <br>
are naturally good. <br>
Their natures are much the same; <br>
their habits become widely different. <br>
苟不教 性乃遷 教之道 貴以專 <br>
If follishly there is no teaching, <br>
the nature will deteriorate. <br>
The right way in teaching, <br>
is to attach the utmost importance <br>
in thoroughness. <br>
昔孟母 擇鄰處 子不學 斷機杼 <br>
Of old, the mother of Mencius <br>
chose a neighbourhood <br>
and when her child would not learn, <br>
she broke the shuttle from the loom. <br><br>共有14頁...word 檔<br><br><font style="color: Blue;" size="4">分享下載:</font><br><br>