查看完整版本: 最煩耶誕歌 Last Christmas

altis 2010-12-24 10:47

最煩耶誕歌 Last Christmas

<P>「最後的耶誕(Last Christmas)」 獲年度最煩耶誕歌</B><BR>耶誕節就要到了,保加利亞有家廣告公司,進行網路票選活動,要大家選出最讓人厭煩的耶誕歌曲,結果沒想到,大家耳熟能詳的Last Christmas,竟然以5千多票,登上最煩人耶誕歌的寶座。<BR><BR>哪一首耶誕歌,聽起來最讓人心煩?是這首?還是這首?答案就是這個由英國80年代流行樂組合Wham的Last Christmas,歷經無數歌手翻唱,但卻以5千2百多票,奪下年度最煩人的聖誕歌!<BR><BR>還有4千多人都覺得,第二煩人的耶誕歌,竟然是瑪莉亞凱莉的這首歌,不知觸動多少人的心。<BR><BR>票選出歷來最煩人耶誕歌的,就是保加利亞一家廣告公司主辦的活動,利用網站來進行投票,吸引了2萬8千多人來參加,連大家耳熟能詳的歌曲,Jingle Bells也名列最令人厭煩的歌曲。<BR><BR>到底這些歷久不衰的歌曲,為什麼會讓人厭煩?投票網友直說,再怎麼好聽的歌,反覆一直聽,也會覺得累。<BR><BR><IMG border=0 alt="" src="http://r3onba.bay.livefilestore.com/y1phz6mvb_v_l7VDUMBOv2eXZ5pfgfy1Lt6d5QS5cy0vx-lIoqt7KIqgBXEfEJajRPLvhtDk7aYSQM/Wham%20-%20Last%20Christmas.jpg"><BR><BR>Last Christmas I gave you my heart<BR>But the very next day you gave it away<BR>This year<BR>To save me from tears<BR>I'll give it to someone special<BR>Once bitten and twice shy<BR>I keep my distance<BR>But you still catch my eye<BR>Tell me baby<BR>Do you recognize me?<BR>Well If it's been a year<BR>It doesn't surprise me<BR>"Merry Christmas"<BR>I wrapped it up and sent it<BR>With a note saying "I love you"<BR>I meant it<BR>Now I know what a fool I've been<BR>But if you kissed me now<BR>I know you'd fool me again<BR>Ooooo<BR>Oh oh baby<BR>A crowded room<BR>Friends with tired eyes<BR>I'm hiding from you<BR>And your soul of ice<BR>My god I thought you were<BR>Someone to rely on<BR>Me?<BR>I guess I was a shoulder to cry on<BR>A face on a lover with a fire in his heart<BR>A man under cover but you tore me apart<BR>Oh oh<BR>Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again<BR>SPECIAL<BR>A face on a lover with a fire in his heart ( Gave you my heart)<BR>A man under cover but you tore me apart<BR>Next year I'll give it to someone<BR>I'll give it to someone special.<BR>Special<BR>Someone someone<BR>I'll give it to someone,I'll give it to someone special<BR>Who'll give something in return<BR>I'll give it to someone<BR>Hold my heart and watch it burn<BR>I'll give me to someone,I'll give it to someone special<BR>I've got you here to stay<BR>I can love you for a day<BR>I thought you were someone special<BR>Gave you my heart<BR>I'll give it to someone,I'll give it to someone<BR>Last christmas i gave you my heart<BR>You gave it away</P>
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