查看完整版本: 雙語新聞-朝韓親人團聚活動本周末重啟

seeyou 2010-11-10 14:51


<DIV id=postmessage_8423590 class=t_msgfont>For the first time in two years, South and North Korean relatives will meet this weekend in government-arranged reunions, restarting a humanitarian program that underscores the differences between the two Koreas even as it tries to bridge them.<BR>  本周末,韓國和朝鮮分隔兩地的親人兩年來將首次在政府的安排下團聚,進而重啟一項人道主義計劃。這項計劃旨在朝韓兩國之間搭建起橋梁,但同時也彰顯出兩國的分歧。<BR>  The two sets of three-day reunions, involving several hundred people from both countries, will take place from Saturday to Thursday at a South Korea-built resort at Mount Kumgang, just inside North Korea on the east coast of the two countries.<BR>  團聚活動將於本周六至下周四分兩批進行,每批為期三天。地點在朝鮮半島東部沿海、韓國在朝鮮境內修建的金剛山度假村。屆時將有來自朝韓兩國的數百人參加。<BR>  Since their start in 2000, 16 in-person reunions have been held at Mount Kumgang or other places, involving about 1,680 families. There have also been seven videoconference reunion events, involving about 280 families. In all, 19,960 people from the two Koreas have met through the reunions.<BR>  自2000年團聚計劃啟動以來,在金剛山等地已經進行了16次面對面的團聚活動,約有1,680個家庭參加。約有280個家庭還通過視頻會議進行過7次團聚。總共有來自朝韓兩國的19,960人通過團聚活動見了面。<BR>  In the newest reunions, relatives will be with each other for roughly six to seven hours under conditions largely dictated by North Korea, which tightly controls the movement of its citizens and the information they receive. The relatives will meet for just two hours out of view of North Korean minders, South Korean officials said.<BR>  在即將進行的團聚活動中,親人們可以在一起呆約6至7小時,條件主要由朝鮮決定。朝鮮嚴格控制本國公民的活動和收到的信息。韓國官員說,親人們只能在沒有朝鮮有關人員的監督下見面兩小時。<BR>  North Korean participants in the reunions receive several days of guidance about what they should and shouldn't talk about. The South Koreans, for their part, are advised not to talk about the North's authoritarian government.<BR>  參加團聚的朝鮮人接受了好幾天的指導,是關於該說什麼和不該說什麼的。韓國人則被告誡不要談論朝鮮的威權政府。<BR>  North Korea stopped participating after the October 2007 reunion because it was upset at the behavior of new leadership in the South and pressure to give up nuclear weapons.<BR>  2007年10月的團聚之後,由於對韓國新任領導人的行為和有關放棄核武器方面的壓力感到不安,朝鮮停止參加這類活動。<BR>  North Korea agreed last month to restart the reunions after its leader Kim Jong Il in July met Hyun Jeong-eun, the chairwoman of Hyundai Group, whose Hyundai Asan unit manages the resort and has played an important role in establishing commercial relations between the two Koreas.<BR>  朝鮮領導人金正日(Kim Jong Il)7月會見了現代集團(Hyundai Group)董事長玄貞恩(Hyun Jeong-eun),之後朝鮮於上個月同意重啟團聚活動。現代集團旗下的現代峨山(Hyundai Asan)管理著金剛山度假村,在建立兩國商貿關系方面發揮了重要作用。</DIV>
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查看完整版本: 雙語新聞-朝韓親人團聚活動本周末重啟