查看完整版本: 禮運大同篇英文版

longvacation 2010-10-18 12:39


<P>你會背「禮運大同篇」嗎?成大電機系教授毛齊武開工程英文課,規定學生要會背禮運大同篇,而且是英文版的。這特別的規定沒嚇跑學生,堂堂爆滿,還吸引許多外系生旁聽。 </P>
<P>「你們如果怕了,還來得及!」七十二歲毛齊武六年前退休,繼續獲成大聘請擔任兼任教授,開了工程英文課。每次開學他先提醒學生,有少數學生被嚇到,打退堂鼓;但這三學分的選修課,還是有很多學生不怕,搶著選修。 </P>
<P>為什麼一定要學生背「禮運大同篇」?毛齊武說,禮運大同篇是中國最高的政治哲學境界,也迎合國際潮流,每個大學生都應該了解並熟背。 </P>
<P><IMG border=0 src="http://mag.udn.com/magimages/4/PROJ_ARTICLE/0_0/f_277781_1.jpg"></P>
<P><IMG border=0 src="http://mag.udn.com/magimages/4/PROJ_ARTICLE/0_0/f_277781_2.jpg"></P>
<P><FONT color=blue size=4>底下內容純參考:</FONT></P>
<P><SPAN id=mainbody>大道之行也,天下為公<BR>When the great way prevails, the world community is equally shared by all.<BR><BR>選賢與能<BR>The worthy and able are chosen as office holders.<BR><BR>講信修睦<BR>Mutual confidence is fostered and good neighborliiness cultivated.<BR><BR>故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子<BR>Therefore people do not regard only their own parents as parents, nor do they treat only their own children as children.<BR><BR>始老有所終,壯有所用,幼有所長<BR>Privision is made for the aged till their death, the adults are given employment, and the young enabled to grow up.<BR><BR>鰥、寡、孤、獨、廢疾者皆有所養<BR>Widows and widowers, orphans, the old and childless as well as the sick and disabled are all well taken care of.<BR><BR>男有分,女有歸<BR>Men have their proper roles, women their homes.<BR><BR>貨惡其棄於地也,不必藏於己<BR>While they hate to see wealth lying about on the ground, they do not neccessarily keep it for their own use.<BR><BR>力惡其不出於身也,不必為己<BR>While they hate not to exert their own effort, they do not neccessarily devote it for their own ends.<BR><BR>是故謀閉而不興,盜竊亂賊而不作<BR>Thus evil scheming is repressed, and robbers, thieves and other lawless elements fail to arise.<BR><BR>故外戶而不閉,是謂大同<BR>So that outer doors do not have to be shut.<BR>This is called "the Age of Great Harmony".</SPAN> </P>

Chi Li@FB 2010-11-1 22:40

感覺很特別  謝謝分享

yos 2010-11-3 16:46

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