查看完整版本: 商業英語溝通策略一:告?"how to say"的年代

nod32 2010-6-28 21:52

商業英語溝通策略一:告?"how to say"的年代

<SPAN class="chinese chinese"><STRONG><FONT color=#cc0000 size=4>商業英語溝通策略一:告?"how to say"的年代</FONT></STRONG><FONT size=2> </FONT></SPAN>
<P class="chinese chinese chinese">如果要列出英文錯誤排行榜,"How to say?"這句話肯定列得上前十名。我們很不自覺地,每次不知道該說什麼時,就來一句"How to say?"(怎麼說)。基本上"How to say?"文法上就不對。當找不到合適的詞時,要怎麼說呢?</P>
<DIV class="chinese chinese chinese"><STRONG>How do I put it? / What should I say?<BR></STRONG>這是最常用的兩句了。簡單明瞭,通俗易懂。<BR></DIV></LI>
<DIV class="chinese chinese chinese"><STRONG>I don't know what to say.<BR></STRONG>過於激動、氣憤、惱怒、悲傷或者高興的時候,總會一時語塞、說不出話來。這時,可以說"I don't know what to say!"。比如:<BR>You say you spent $100 on that car! I don't know what to say! I can't believe you did that! !(你說你花了100美元買車!我真是不知道該說什麼好了,真是難以置信!)<BR></DIV></LI>
<DIV class="chinese chinese chinese"><STRONG>Something like it/ whatever you call it</STRONG><BR>有時真的找不到合適的表達法。就可以說:<BR>A: What do you think of the idea of permanent education? That is, letting people go on learning until they die?<BR>B: Well, that sounds quite new to me. Do you mean evening schools, or something like it?<BR>實在不知道permanent education是怎麼回事,於是就用and ... and something like it?來代替了。<BR></DIV></LI>
<DIV class="chinese chinese chinese"><STRONG>A sort of ..., you know.</STRONG><BR>這個a sort of..., you know 最適合想了半天卻什麼也沒想出來的場合,讓對方從你說話的context中去判斷你要表達的意思。! <BR>例如:This man is so popular here. He is just a sort of ..., you know.<BR>這個人在這裡真受歡迎。他真是......,你知道的。<BR></DIV></LI>
<DIV class="chinese chinese chinese"><STRONG>You</STRONG> know what I<STRONG> mean.</STRONG><BR>前面說很多,不容易總結,可以用You know what I mean.。 <BR>例如:To be honest, this will be difficult. You know your application form will be read&nbsp;by at least three members of the academic council, and it's no easy matter to have all of us agree on one thing... you know what I mean.<BR>老實說,這很難。你的申請起碼必須經過三位評審委員審核。要讓大家意見一致不是件容易的事......總之,你知道我的意思。<BR></DIV></LI>
<DIV class=chinese><SPAN class="chinese chinese chinese">還可以用一些<FONT color=#cc3300><STRONG>conversational fillers</STRONG></FONT>來爭取一些思考的時間。常用的有: well then,now,actuall! y,of course,in fact,I mean,you know,you see,as a matter of fact,shall I say...,sort of,kind of,like,and等等。</SPAN></DIV></LI></UL>

ydydyaya 2010-10-20 23:21

:handshake :victory:
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查看完整版本: 商業英語溝通策略一:告?"how to say"的年代