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nod32 2010-5-24 21:20

Making cold calls? People would rather give up sex

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<TD vAlign=top align=left><SPAN class=t7 onmouseover=x_hide();>The prospect of making <SPAN class=tpop onmousemove="pup('ssp1','2969');" id=ssp1 style="CURSOR: pointer" onmouseout=x_hide(); value="2969">cold calls</SPAN> for a week as a salesperson is more <SPAN class=tpop onmousemove="pup('ssp2','2970');" id=ssp2 style="CURSOR: pointer" onmouseout=x_hide(); value="2970">unappealing </SPAN>than giving up sex for a month, a survey showed.
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>以銷售人員的身分打行銷電話一週,這樣的情況比起放棄性愛一個月還令人不快,本週的一份調查顯示。
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>Only getting a root canal was deemed worse than making sales calls to strangers, said the survey of 1,226 respondents about public attitudes in the United States towards salespeople.
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>只有接受根管治療被認定為比打銷售電話給陌生人還糟糕,這份詢問1226人以了解美國民眾對銷售人員看法的調查說。
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>From five options presented, one-third of the people said a root canal was worst, followed by <SPAN class=tpop onmousemove="pup('ssp1','2969');" id=ssp1 style="CURSOR: pointer" onmouseout=x_hide(); value="2969">cold calls</SPAN> at 23 percent and giving up sex for a month at 18 percent.
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>在調查提出的5種選項中,3分之1的人說做根管治療感覺最糟糕,其次是打行銷電話,佔23%,放棄性愛1個月的比例是18%。
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>Of the other worsts, 15 percent picked being a surprise guest on a reality television show and 13 percent chose speaking in front of an audience.
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>其他最糟糕的事情中,15%的人選擇當電視實境秀的神秘嘉賓,13%選擇在大眾面前發言。
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>Asked to choose among types of salespeople, respondents said they trusted those who sell cars the least, followed by financial services salespeople. Retail salespeople were ranked the most trustworthy.
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>被要求在各種類型的銷售人員中做出選擇時,受訪者說,他們最不信任賣車的人,其次是金融服務業務員。零售銷售人員則被認為最值得信賴。
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>Being contacted by door-to-door salespeople ranked as most annoying, while being contacted by e-mail or social media was the least <SPAN class=tpop onmousemove="pup('ssp3','2971');" id=ssp3 style="CURSOR: pointer" onmouseout=x_hide(); value="2971">aggravating</SPAN>.
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 15px"></DIV>挨家挨戶拜訪的業務員被評為最令人厭煩,而透過電子郵件或社交媒體接觸,則最不令人討厭。<BR></SPAN>
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<DIV style="PADDING-TOP: 10px"></DIV><IMG height=12 src="http://www.yes123.com.tw/admin/Career_English/img/n.gif" width=26> <SPAN class=tpop>cold call</SPAN> <SPAN class=t8>:</SPAN><SPAN class=tb>為了開發業務而打給潛在客戶或陌生人的電話</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=t4>例句:Don’t be too pushy is the rule no.1 for salesperson when making a cold call. (不要太咄咄逼人是業務員打行銷電話時的最高守則。) </SPAN>
<DIV style="PADDING-TOP: 10px"></DIV><IMG height=12 src="http://www.yes123.com.tw/admin/Career_English/img/adj.gif" width=26> <SPAN class=tpop>unappealing</SPAN> <SPAN class=t8>:</SPAN><SPAN class=tb>不吸引人的</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=t4>例句:Your proposal is unappealing. (你的提案並不吸引人。) </SPAN>
<DIV style="PADDING-TOP: 10px"></DIV><IMG height=12 src="http://www.yes123.com.tw/admin/Career_English/img/adj.gif" width=26> <SPAN class=tpop>aggravating</SPAN> <SPAN class=t8>:</SPAN><SPAN class=tb>令人煩擾的</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=t4>例句:Your pushing me all the time is very aggravating. (你老是在逼我很令人討厭。) </SPAN>
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