ipod 2010-5-23 09:15
擺攤正妹 品杉
<P>暱稱: 品杉*Ann <BR>身高: 165 <BR>體重: 47 <BR>喜歡的: freedom, summer*巧克力 <BR>討厭的: pressure, eyedrop ,arrogant <BR>關於我: I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, than there is no hurt, but only more love. </P>
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<P><IMG border=0 src="http://e.blog.xuite.net/e/f/c/3/23111565/blog_1826979/txt/33791460/28.jpg"></P>
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<P><IMG border=0 src="http://e.blog.xuite.net/e/f/c/3/23111565/blog_1826979/txt/33791460/26.jpg"></P>
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<P><FONT color=blue size=4>無名部落格: </FONT></P>
<P><A href="http://www.wretch.cc/album/Joyuexann" target=_blank><FONT color=dimgray>品杉</FONT></A></P>
jordan7372 2010-6-9 15:11
加 一<img smilieid="12" src="http://dz.adj.idv.tw/images/smilies/default/lol.gif" border="0"><br>
d74185218 2010-6-9 15:25
<IMG alt="" src="http://dz.adj.idv.tw/images/smilies/default/lol.gif" border=0 smilieid="12"> <IMG alt="" src="http://dz.adj.idv.tw/images/smilies/default/lol.gif" border=0 smilieid="12"> 謝謝分享
cava 2010-9-9 20:43
真是太感謝了 真得好漂亮喔 一定!!!要推一下的拉
myminibear 2010-9-27 09:47
riotefe123 2010-10-10 17:23
dean0001 2010-10-18 09:41
身材不錯 皮膚白白嫩嫩的正妹 感謝大大分享