查看完整版本: 蹩腳口語 V.S. 道地口語

nod32 2010-5-13 00:05

蹩腳口語 V.S. 道地口語

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<P><SPAN class="chinese chinese"><FONT size=4>蹩腳口語:<STRIKE>The waitress judged us from heads to feet in two seconds</STRIKE> <BR>道地口語:That waitress <FONT color=#cc0000>sized us up</FONT> in two seconds. <BR></FONT>那個女服務生打量我們兩秒鐘(就知道了)。 <BR></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN class="chinese chinese">size up這個片語意思是 form a judgment or opinion of sb/sth. <BR>也就是"判斷或估計"、"品評"、"迅速對某事做出判斷"。<BR>They sized each other up at their first meeting.他們初次見面時特地打量彼此一番。<BR>商場上盱衡情勢,審時度勢,也可用size up。<BR>Learning to size up business styles "will help you get what you want out of others," Lichtenberg says, whether it's a bonus, a promotion or a deal.</SPAN></P><SPAN class=chinese>
<P class=chinese style="MARGIN: 0px 3px 15px"><FONT size=4><STRIKE>蹩腳口語:I have something to do tomorrow.</STRIKE><BR></FONT><FONT size=4>道地口語:I am <FONT color=#cc0000>tied up</FONT> all day tomorrow.</FONT></P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0px 3px 15px"><SPAN class=chinese>這句話的意是,明天我有事情要做。用I have something to do來表示很忙,這種說法怎麼聽都怪。因為每時每刻我們都有事情要做,躺著睡大覺也是事情。所以可以說我很忙,脫不開身:I'm tied up。還有其它的說法:I can't make it at that time. I'd love to, but I can't, I have to stay at home.</SPAN><BR></P></SPAN>

shiouf 2010-6-6 02:34

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查看完整版本: 蹩腳口語 V.S. 道地口語