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nod32 2010-4-19 22:36


<DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_303081>商業書信範例<BR><BR>Unit 1<BR>【請國外工會介紹客戶】<BR>We are desirous of extending our connections in your country.<BR>我們擬拓展本公司在貴國的業務。<BR>原文範例<BR>Gentlemen:<BR>We are desirous of extending our connections in your country and shall be much obliged if you will give us a list of some reliable business houses in Los Angeles who are interested in the importation of Chinese books.<BR>We are an old and well-established exporter of all kinds of Chinese books, especially Chinese autobiography. Therefore, we are confident to give our customers the fullest satisfaction.<BR>Your courtesy will be appreciated, and we earnestly await your prompt reply.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>我們擬拓展本公司在貴國的業務,如果您能提供敝公司有關洛杉磯一些對進口中文書籍有興趣、可靠的公司名單,敝公司將感激不盡。<BR>敝公司是一個具有多年經驗、信譽良好、進口多種中文出版品(特別是中文自傳)的企業,因此我們有信心能提供給我們的客戶最完整的滿意。<BR>對於您的協助我們將感激不盡,敝公司將靜待您的立即回音。<BR><BR><BR><BR>Unit 2<BR>【請國外的合作夥伴介紹客戶】<BR>We shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of reliable importers.<BR>貴公司如能將我方介紹給一些信譽良好的公司,<BR>我方將不勝感激。<BR>原文範例<BR>Gentlemen:<BR>We thank you for your cooperation for our business for the past five years.<BR>Now we are desirous of enlarging our trade in staple commodities, but have had no good connections in Canada.<BR>Therefore we shall be obliged if you could kindly introduce us to some of reliable importers in Canada who are interested in these lines of goods.<BR>We await your immediate reply.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>感謝貴公司過去五年來與我方的商務合作。<BR>目前敝公司亟欲擴大我方主要商品的業務範圍,但是我方目前在加拿大並無良好關係。<BR>因此若貴公司能將敝公司介紹給一些在加拿大對我方業務有興趣、信譽良好的公司,我方將不勝感激。<BR>我們期待您的立即回覆。<BR><BR>Unit 3<BR>【公司自我介紹】<BR>We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the most reputable rain wears exporters.<BR>我們有這個榮幸向您介紹,敝公司是一家信譽優良的雨具出口商。<BR>原文範例<BR>Dear Sirs,<BR>We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the most reputable rain wears exporters in Taiwan, who has been engaged in this line of business since 1985; particularly we have been having a good sale of umbrellas and are desirous of expanding our market to your country.<BR>We would appreciate it if you could kindly introduce us to the relative importers by announcing in your publication as follows:<BR>「An Export Company of rain wears in Taiwan is now making a business proposal for umbrellas which is said to have built a high reputation at home and abroad. Contact them by sending your e-mail to <A href="mailto:umbrella@yahoo.com.tw"><FONT color=#006699>umbrella@yahoo.com.tw</FONT></A>」<BR>We solicit your close cooperation with us in this matter.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>我們有這個榮幸向您介紹,敝公司是台灣最具信賴度的雨具出口商之一,我們自從一九八五年即開始從事這個(雨具)行業;特別是我們的雨傘很暢銷,而我們想要在貴國擴展敝公司的經營市場。<BR>如果您能在您的出版品上刊登以下的說明,將敝公司介紹給相關的進口商,敝公司將感激不盡:<BR>「據說一家在台灣生產雨具信譽極佳的出口商,擬計畫發展雨傘相關的業務,若欲和其聯絡,請發電子郵件至以下信箱?a href="mailto:Gumbrella@yahoo.com.tw"&gt;<A href="mailto:Gumbrella@yahoo.com.tw"><FONT color=#006699>Gumbrella@yahoo.com.tw</FONT></A>」<BR>我們懇求您對於此一事件能給於協助。<BR><BR>Unit 4<BR>【業務的介紹】<BR>We take this opportunity to place our name before you as being a buying, shipping agent.<BR>我們希望藉由這個機會向您介紹敝公司有關採購船務的業務代理。<BR>原文範例<BR>Gentlemen:<BR>In a recent issue of the 「American Trade」from TIME magazine, we saw your name listed as being interested in making certain purchases in Taiwan.<BR>We take this opportunity to place our name before you as being a buying, shipping and forward agent. <BR>We have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years. We, therefore, feel that because of our past years' experience, we are well qualified to take care of your interest.<BR>We look forward to receiving your reply in acknowledgement of this letter.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>在「時代雜誌」最新一篇「美國商業」的報導中,我們看見貴公司名列在「有意在台灣採購商品」的名單中。<BR>我們希望藉由這個機會向您介紹敝公司有關採購、船務及轉運的代理業務。<BR>敝公司從事這個業務已經有廿年的經驗,由於我們過去的經驗,因此我們是具有極佳的勝任能力來照顧您的權益。<BR>我們期望能收到您有關於此事的回覆。<BR><BR>Unit 5<BR>【表明對商品有興趣】<BR>At present we are interested in your goods.<BR>敝公司目前對貴公司的商品極有興趣。<BR>原文範例<BR>Gentlemen:<BR>We are one of the largest importers of Woolen goods in Taiwan and shall be pleased to establish business relationships with you.<BR>At present we are interested in your goods, details as per our Enquiry Note No. 2564 attached, and are looking forward to receiving your quotation as soon as possible. When quoting, please state terms of payment and time of delivery.<BR>Your prompt reply will be much appreciated.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>敝公司為台灣最大的毛線織品進口商之一,很高興和您建立商務關係。<BR>敝公司目前對貴公司的商品極有興趣,細節請詳見所附2564號詢價單,敝公司期待能盡快收到貴公司的報價單,貴公司報價時,請說明付款條件和交貨時間。<BR>感謝您的儘速回覆。<BR><BR>Unit 6<BR>【要求提供商品型錄】<BR>Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue?<BR>貴公司是否能寄一份你們的型錄?<BR>原文範例<BR>Gentlemen:<BR>We are very interested in your cameras and digital cameras. There is a steady and great demand in Taiwan for the above commodities of high quality at moderate prices.<BR>Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue, with details of prices and items of payment? We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these goods.<BR>We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>我們對貴公司的相機及數位相機非常有興趣。對上述所提商品,針對高品質、公道的價格標準,目前在台灣有穩定、大量的需求量。<BR>貴公司是否能寄一份你們的型錄,並附上價格、付款明細?如果貴公司能提供這些商品的樣品,將對敝公司有極大的幫助。<BR>我們期待您的儘快回覆。<BR><BR>Unit 7<BR>【提供所需的樣品】 <BR>We are glad to send you samples of our goods you inquired.<BR>我們很高興能寄給您一些您所要求的樣品。<BR>原文範例<BR>Dear Sirs,<BR>Thank you very much for your letter dated of December 20 about computers. We are glad to send you two samples of our goods you inquired. And the quotation is as follow:<BR>(1) Notebook: US$2,000 each, CIF New York City.<BR>(2) PC: US$1,800 each, CIF New York City<BR>Shipment will be made within four weeks from acceptance of your order. <BR>Thank you again for your interest in our goods. We are looking forward to your order soon and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.<BR>翻譯範例<BR>敬啟者:<BR>感謝您十二月廿日有關電腦的來信。我們很高興能寄給您兩個您所要求的樣品。報價如下:<BR>(1) 桌上型電腦 美金2,000元/台      CIF紐約市<BR>(2) 個人電腦  美金1,800元/台      CIF紐約市<BR>在確認您的訂單後四個星期內會安排船運。<BR>再次感謝您對本公司的商品感興趣。我們期待您立即的訂單,如果您有任何問題,歡迎您來電詢問。</DIV>
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