nod32 2010-1-10 21:12
<P class=t_msgfont align=center><STRONG><FONT size=5>中文版</FONT></STRONG><BR></P>
<P class=t_msgfont align=center>歐洲共同語言參考標準(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;CEFR),是<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>歐洲議會</FONT></A>在2001年11月通過的一套建議標準,為<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>歐洲語言</FONT></A>在評量架構和教學指引、考試、教材所提供的基準。其政治與教育上意義在於可用來評估<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>語言</FONT></A>學習者在所學語言的成就,同時也給予教育評估方針。<BR></P>
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<TD><IMG border=0 alt="" src="" width=1 height=20></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <STRONG>歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構(CEFR)</STRONG><STRONG>整體能力分級說明(Common Reference Levels: global scale</STRONG><STRONG>)</STRONG><BR>
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<TD><STRONG>C1<BR>(流利級)</STRONG><STRONG>Effective Operational Proficiency</STRONG></TD>
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<TD>能了解並使用熟悉的日常表達方式,及使用非常簡單之詞彙以求滿足基礎需求。能介紹自己及他人並能針對個人背景資料,例如住在哪裡、認識何人以及擁有什麼事物等問題作出問答。能在對方語速緩慢、用詞清晰並提供協助的前提下作簡單的交流。</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <STRONG>備註:</STRONG><BR>
<LI><STRONG>歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構(CEFR)</STRONG><STRONG>整體能力分級說明(Common Reference Levels: global scale</STRONG><STRONG>)</STRONG>(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment,簡稱CEFR)係歐洲理事會(<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Council of Europe</FONT></A><STRONG>)於1996年公布,為一國際認定之語言能力分級參考標準。</STRONG>
<LI>本表英文部分係摘錄自<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Council of Europe</FONT></A>網站資料。
<P><STRONG>出處:<A href=" ... ls-global-scale.htm" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff> ... ls-global-scale.htm</FONT></A></STRONG></P>
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nod32 2010-1-10 21:14
<P align=center><FONT size=5><STRONG>英文版</STRONG></FONT></P>The <STRONG>Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment</STRONG>, abbreviated as CEFR, is a guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across <A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Europe</FONT></A>. It was put together by the <A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Council of Europe</FONT></A>as the main part of the project "Language Learning for EuropeanCitizenship" between 1989 and 1996. Its main aim is to provide a methodof assessing and teaching which applies to all languages in Europe. InNovember 2001 a European Union Council Resolution recommended using theCEFR to set up systems of validation of language ability. The sixreference levels (see below) are becoming widely accepted as theEuropean standard for grading an individual's language proficiency.Nonetheless, existing examination boards have retained their own namingconventions, e.g. "Intermediate", which are, arguably, easier for them,and their students, to remember.<BR>
<LI><STRONG><A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>UNIcert</FONT></A></STRONG>(for different languages of both European and non-European countries),which is used in several European countries, is auniversity-language-education standard based on the CEFR.</LI></UL><BR>DevelopmentIn 1991 the <A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Swiss Federal Authorities</FONT></A> held an Intergovernmental Symposium in <A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Rüschlikon</FONT></A>, <A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Switzerland</FONT></A>,on "Transparency and Coherence in Language Learning in Europe:Objectives, Evaluation, Certification". This symposium found that aCommon European Framework for languages was needed to improve therecognition of language qualifications and help teachers co-operate,eventually leading to improved communication and cooperation generallyin Europe.<BR>As a result of the symposium, the <A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff>Swiss National Science Foundation</FONT></A>set up a project to develop levels of proficiency, to lead on to thecreation of a "European Language Portfolio" - certification in languageability which can be used across Europe.<BR><BR>LevelsThe Common European Framework divides learners into three broad divisions which can be divided into six levels:<BR>A Basic User<STRONG><BR>A1</STRONG> Breakthrough<BR><STRONG>A2</STRONG> Waystage<BR><BR>B Independent User<BR><STRONG>B1</STRONG> Threshold<STRONG><BR>B2</STRONG> Vantage<BR>C Proficient User<STRONG><BR>C1</STRONG> Effective Operational Proficiency<STRONG><BR>C2</STRONG> Mastery<BR><BR>The CEFR describes what a learner is supposed to be able to do in reading, listening, speaking and writing at each level.<BR><BR>出處:維基百科(部分)<BR><BR>
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<TD>Common reference levels global scale</TD>
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<TD><IMG border=0 alt="" src="" width=1 height=20></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <IMG onclick="zoom(this, this.src)" border=0 alt="" src="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')"><BR><STRONG>Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR)</STRONG><BR>
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 98%" class=t_table cellSpacing=0>
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<TD>Canunderstand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summariseinformation from different spoken and written sources, reconstructingarguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can expresshim/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiatingfiner shades of meaning even in more complex situations.</TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#ff3301>
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<TD><STRONG>C1</STRONG><STRONG>Effective Operational Proficiency</STRONG></TD>
<TD>Canunderstand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recogniseimplicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneouslywithout much obvious searching for expressions. Can use languageflexibly and effectively for social, academic and professionalpurposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complexsubjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectorsand cohesive devices.</TD></TR>
<TR bgColor=#ff3301>
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<TD>Canunderstand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstracttopics, including technical discussions in his/her field ofspecialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneitythat makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possiblewithout strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on awide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issuegiving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.</TD></TR>
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<TD>Canunderstand the main points of clear standard input on familiar mattersregularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with mostsituations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where thelanguage is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics whichare familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences andevents, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons andexplanations for opinions and plans.</TD></TR>
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<TD>Canunderstand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areasof most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and familyinformation, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate insimple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange ofinformation on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simpleterms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and mattersin areas of immediate need.</TD></TR>
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<TD>Canunderstand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrasesaimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introducehim/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personaldetails such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and thingshe/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other persontalks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR>出處:<A href="" target=_blank><FONT color=#0000ff> ... ls-global-scale.htm</FONT></A><BR>
chiawen1021 2010-6-4 09:59
<img smilieid="12" src="images/smilies/default/lol.gif" border="0">感謝您的分享呀~~~~
minilife 2010-9-26 14:12
謝謝分享~~~~:victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: