seeyou 2012-8-17 12:44
<div> Impressing your boss is key to getting promoted and making more money.</div><div><br></div><div> 想要升職加薪,給老闆留下好印像是絕招。</div><div><br></div><div> And career expert Alexandra Levit has a few easy tips for making it happen. She recommends you start first with your immediate boss because they're most aware of your day-to-day efforts. They're also most integral in performance reviews and promotions. Here are her five tips.</div><div><br></div><div> 職場專家Alexandra Levit就給出了一些簡單易行的小妙招助你在老闆心中留下好印象。她建議說,首先你要先取悅你的直屬上司,因為他們才是真正見證你每日工作的人。而且直屬上司在你的工作評估和升職問題上也有很大的發言權。下面就是五個你需要記住的小妙招:</div><div><br></div><div> 1. Be the can-do employee. Accept any assignment graciously and without complaining. Take a leadership role in the group even if its outside your comfort zone.</div><div><br></div><div> 1.讓“行,我去做”成為口頭禪。高興地接受每一件交給你的工作任務,不要去抱怨。即使有些工作會超出你的舒適區,也要爭取在小組裏表現出你的領導力。</div><div><br></div><div> 2. Look for new challenges. Don't get reticent because you're good at your current role. Keep thinking of new ideas.</div><div><br></div><div> 2.爭取新挑戰。不要因為你擅長現在的工作就沉默不語、停滯不前。始終要有新想法、新理念。</div><div><br></div><div> 3. Practice good time management. Get assignments done before deadline. Never make your boss ask when something will be ready.</div><div><br></div><div> 3.時間管理很重要。永遠要在截止日期前完成任務。絕對不要讓老闆來問你某件事是不是準備好了。</div><div><br></div><div> 4. Be proactive and be your boss' friend. Know his or her spouse and children and work to make small-talk. This will make it easier to come to your boss with ideas.</div><div><br></div><div> 4.積極主動、成為老闆的朋友。要認識老闆的配偶和孩子,時不時地說上一些寒暄之詞。這會讓你的老闆更容易記住你。</div><div><br></div><div> 5. Keep up-to-date. Read trade publications and follow industry-relevant people on Twitter. Your boss will appreciate if you're in-the-loop about stuff they don't have time to follow.</div><div><br></div><div> 5.與時俱進。閱讀業內相關的期刊,並在Twitter上關注業界相關人士。如果老闆沒有時間來做這些事,而你卻替老闆做了,那麼他們就會對你刮目相看了。 </div>