查看完整版本: 白領健身新招:專家建議打電話鍛鍊

apple 2012-8-13 09:29


<div>  Forget early morning jogs or lunchtime trips to the gym. Office workers who want to lose weight should stand up while talking on the phone and walk over to speak to colleagues rather than emailing them, according to official advice. The Government has drawn up workplace exercise guidelines to tackle concerns that most of us are spending too much time sitting down.</div><div><br></div><div>  隨著亞健康的趨勢愈發嚴重,背負著”房奴“”卡奴“的都市白領們的健康狀況愈發不容忽視,專家認為,白領與其將大把大把的鈔票”砸“在健身房和聘請私人教練上,還不如花費在辦公室的時間、還有利用自己工作時間(站立打電話談公事、戒除E-mail約同事面對面商量等)達到邊工作、邊鍛鍊身體的目的。專家解釋,因為白領在辦公室中大部分時間都是坐著的,所以說,只要站起來隨意走動,採用這種”不經意“的鍛鍊模式才能達到健身的目的。</div><div><br></div><div><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2011/07/14/74d40f46b64a48a18409d7d100f2a9d8.jpg" border="0"><br></div><div><br></div><div>  This could include taking the stairs rather than waiting for the lift and cycling or walking to work. Staff are also advised to stand up every 30 to 40 minutes when talking on the phone to break up the amount of time they spend sitting down.</div><div><br></div><div>  據悉,專家支招的辦公室健身方法有很多,比如:爬樓梯上樓而不要等電梯、騎單車或者走路去上班而不是開車等等。此外,專家還建議,白領在辦公室辦公期間,30到40分鐘一個週期,必須起立走動,分解他們“脂肪沉澱”的時間。</div><div><br></div><div>  The guidelines have been issued by the Department of Health in response to concerns about rising levels of obesity. Only a third of adults take the recommended amount of exercise, which amounts to at least 30 minutes for five days a week. And around six in ten are either overweight or obese – predicted to rise to nine in ten by 2050.</div><div><br></div><div>  據悉,這幾項關於白領在辦公室的建議已經獲得衛生部門的重視,然而,這項關於降低辦公室“肥胖指數”的建議並沒有很好的受到白領們的認同,只有3分之1的白領們採用這種方法健身,雖然該方法僅僅佔用他們每週150分鐘的時間而已。數據顯示,60%的白領還是處在過度肥胖的狀態中。</div><div><br></div><div>  Professor Fiona Bull, from the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University, who helped draw up the guidelines, said there was growing evidence that long periods spent sitting down could lead to health problems. She added: 'Every 30 to 40 minutes, stand up while taking that phone call.'Don't send the email, walk over and speak to your colleague.'</div><div><br></div><div>  教授Fiona Bull指出:"長時間的坐著辦公會直接引發健康方面的問題,因此,30到40分鐘一個週期,站立十分必要。就是打電話的時候都可以走動走動。"</div><div><br></div><div>  Recent studies have shown that desk-bound workers who spend long periods of time sitting down are more likely to die of heart problems, even if they exercise regularly. And last month, Canadian scientists found that women who spent more than six hours a day at a desk were 40 per cent more likely to die of heart disease or cancer.</div><div><br></div><div>  此外,最新研究顯示,那些坐著辦公地白領更容易患上心血管方面的疾病,即使他們按時鍛鍊,情況也十分不容樂觀。而且,加拿大的科學家還發現,但凡是每日坐著工作超過6的小時的女性,她們身患心臟病還有癌症機率比同齡人要高,40&amp;的人有可能患病。</div><div><br></div><div>(編譯:韋方苑)&nbsp;</div>
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