查看完整版本: 五招助你一天無憂工作

virage 2012-8-6 20:27


<div>  In the middle of the Summer, when the weather is beautiful and the beach is beckoning, it can be hard to even drag yourself into the office — let alone to stay organized and productive while you’re there. If you’re finding yourself in a mid-Summer slump at work, check out the following tips for effectively organizing your workday.</div><div><br></div><div>  正值炎炎仲夏,天氣晴好,海灘迷人,把你拉去辦公室都是件麻煩差事,更不用說讓你在那保持井然有序地高效運轉。如果你發現自己正處於仲夏厭工的狀態,那麼試試以下幾個小貼士,讓工作變得有序高效。&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/07/03/18e7408ad862476cac1187b0a6d4fdb2.jpg" border="0"><br></div><div><br></div><div><div>  1.Plan Your Day on a Curve</div><div><br></div><div>  根據貝爾曲線來設計一天的工作</div><div><br></div><div>  View your workday as a bell curve: Start with easy, pleasant tasks as you’re working on your first (or second) cup of coffee. Once you’re warmed up, tackle the most difficult — or most loathed — tasks of the day. Then plan your most mindless tasks for your after-lunch slump, and finish the day off with something you actually enjoy doing.</div><div><br></div><div>  將你的工作日看作貝爾曲線:喝第一杯(或第二杯)咖啡的時候,做些簡單、愉悅的事,由此開始一天的工作。一旦熱身完成,挑戰最為艱巨或繁重的任務。然後將你信手拈來的任務安排在睏倦的午後,最後在喜歡的工作中結束一天。</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>  2.Reward Yourself</div><div><br></div><div>  自我獎勵</div><div><br></div><div>  When you’ve got a particularly hectic schedule or are tackling an unpleasant project, give yourself small rewards as you accomplish tasks. When you finish putting together that PowerPoint, run out and grab a latte. After you’ve dealt with a difficult client, allow yourself a few minutes to chat with a co-worker about last night’s episode of True Blood.</div><div><br></div><div>  當你拿到滿噹噹的行程或者處理棘手的項目時,在完成任務後適當獎勵下自己。當你整合完PPT後,走出辦公室喝杯拿鐵。在處理好挑剔的客戶後,花幾分鐘和同事閒聊下昨晚《真愛如血》的劇情。</div></div><div><br></div><div><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/07/03/a694317a3fa04fd6b3f7d012f8834a9b.jpg" border="0"><br></div><div><br></div><div><div>  3.Prioritize Your To-Do List</div><div><br></div><div>  優先處理緊急事務</div><div><br></div><div>  When your task list gets unmanageable, it’s time to choose your battles. You obviously can’t accomplish everything at once, so decide what absolutely has to be done right away, and what can wait. Some people like to use symbols like stars to indicate high-priority items; some set a different deadline for finishing each task; and others use spreadsheets to separate urgent items and long-term projects.</div><div><br></div><div>  當你的任務安排雜亂無章時,要學會區分輕重緩急。顯然你不能將每件事情都立刻完成,因此要決定哪些事需要立即處理,哪些可以稍等片刻。有些人喜歡使用星號等符號來標注需要立刻處理的事項;有些人喜歡給每項任務設定好完成期限;還有些人使用電子錶格來劃分緊急與長期的項目。</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>  4.Don't Neglect Your Breaks</div><div><br></div><div>  小憩不可忽視</div><div><br></div><div>  Even on your busiest days, make time for breaks. You may not have time for a leisurely hour-long lunch, but make yourself get out, even if it’s just to do a lap around the building. Getting away from your desk will clear your head, energize you, and may even result in new ideas or a better approach to a problem.</div><div><br></div><div>  即使是在最為忙碌的日子裏,也要適當休息。或許時間緊迫不允許你享受長達幾小時的午餐,但是最起碼要走出戶外,甚至是圍著辦公樓轉一圈也可以。暫時離開辦公桌有助於幫你清醒頭腦、補充體力,甚至會為你帶來電光石火般解決難題的靈感。</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>  5.Plan Ahead</div><div><br></div><div>  提前制定計劃</div><div><br></div><div>  Save the last 15 or so minutes of each day to plan ahead for the next. Straighten up your desk, toss out any wrappers or coffee cups that have accumulated during the day, and take another pass through your to-do list to make sure you’ve crossed off everything you accomplished. Then start a fresh list for the following day so you can get off to a productive, organized start in the morning.</div><div><br></div><div>  每天花大約15分鐘的時間計劃第二天的工作。清理桌面,扔掉一天積攢下來的不用的包裝紙和咖啡杯,然後再瀏覽一遍任務表,確保所有事情都已處理妥當。之後列一下第二天的計劃,幫助自己高效有序地開啟新的一天。</div></div>
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查看完整版本: 五招助你一天無憂工作