查看完整版本: 標點符號暗藏的性格秘密

linux 2012-7-23 11:31


<div>  A recent scientific study analyzed what your favorite punctuation mark means about you. Every writer, every person, over-uses and abuses at least one punctuation mark. Here’s what your particular weakness means about you:</div><div><br></div><div>  最近的一項科學研究顯示,通過分析你最愛使用的標點符號可以揭示出你的性格特徵。每個作家、每個人都會有自己特別常用,甚至濫用的某種標點符號。下面就揭秘標點符號中暗藏的性格弱點:</div><div><br></div><div>  Period (.):Type A personality. You are decisive and clear. You have no difficulty with setting limits. Often a stodgy person that no one else thinks is any fun to hang out with. You tend to be good with technology and have the latest gadgets.</div><div><br></div><div>  句號:A型人格。你做事果斷、乾淨利落,擅長設置各種限制情況。通常比較刻板老套,給人一種比較無趣的感覺。你是技術控,有很多最新的科技產品。</div><div><br></div><div><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/06/19/8db9aa7ab29b4a31aecb1448b2f0b331.jpg" border="0"><br></div><div><br></div><div>  Comma (,): The peacemaker. You like to help others, and you get along with everyone. You like to make sure people understand each other. You like clarity as much as the Period type, but, unlike him, you don’t subscribe to the “less is more” theory. You believe more information is better than not enough. For this reason you sometimes confuse others and can become tiresome. But, in general, you’re fun, or at least tolerable, to be around.</div><div><br></div><div>  逗號:和平主義者。你樂於助人,和任何人都能打成一片。你希望確保每個人都能相互了解。和“句號型”性格的人一樣,你也喜歡把所有事都說清楚講明白,不過,你對“少即是多”的理論並不買賬,你認為消息應該是多多益善的。正因如此,有時你會把別人弄糊塗,而你自己也會感到很煩人。但是,總的來說,你還是蠻有趣的,至少讓周圍的人可以忍受。</div><div><br></div><div>  Exclamation point (!):You are excitable and anxious. You don’t self-censor well and think that your opinion always matters. You get nervous easily and are often too loud. You’re either an overly-affectionate or a mean drunk. You’re fun at parties.</div><div><br></div><div>  驚嘆號:你是一個易喜易怒的人。你不太會自我反省,總認為自己的觀點很重要。你很容易緊張,也經常會大聲喧嘩。你不是一個自戀狂,就是一個酒鬼。你對去各種聚會很感興趣。</div><div><br></div><div>  Question mark (?):Indecisive and uncertain. You over-analyze. You may be shy and have low self-esteem. People usually have no idea you’re there.</div><div><br></div><div>  問號:你做事猶豫、瞻前顧後,想得太多。你比較靦腆,自信不足,在人群中沒有存在感。</div><div><br></div><div>  Colon You like things to be well-delineated. Much like the Period type, you like order. You make lists. You usually get asked to organize the office parties and school functions.</div><div><br></div><div>  冒號:你喜歡凡事井然有序。和“句號型”性格一樣,你也喜歡秩序性。你做事喜歡列清單,總被人委派去組織公共活動或擔任某種職務。</div><div><br></div><div>  Em-dash (—): You’re stuck up and pretentious. You correct people’s grammar and complain about how stupid kids are these days. You made good grades in school and perform well at work. Your boss loves you, even if your co-workers don’t.</div><div><br></div><div>  破折號:你愛炫耀、自命不凡。喜歡糾正別人的語法錯誤,總是抱怨現在的孩子有多蠢笨。你在學校裏的成績很好,在工作中也表現出色。即使同事們不待見你,老闆也會喜歡你。</div><div><br></div><div>  Ellipses (…): An indecisive and flighty person. You lose your train of thought easily. You are a follower and like to let other people take the risks. You often misplace your keys or spend ten minutes looking for the glasses you’re already wearing.</div><div><br></div><div>  省略號:你缺乏決斷力,反覆無常。你很容易就走神,喜歡隨大流,總是讓別人去冒險。你經常會忘記把鑰匙放在哪,或者花十分鐘去找已經戴在了鼻樑上的眼鏡。</div><div><br></div><div>  Quotation Mark (“): You aren’t very original. You tweet famous quotes a lot. You are nosy and like to gossip; mostly because you don’t have anything of substance to add of your own. People like to hang out with you for a coffee break but don’t really consider you a friend.</div><div><br></div><div>  引號:你缺乏原創性,總愛引用名人名言。你總是嘰嘰喳喳,又愛說八卦,這主要是因為你沒有什麼主見。人們喜歡和你出去約會,但卻不把你當成真正的朋友。</div><div><br></div><div>來源:滬江英語</div>
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