linux 2012-7-13 12:05
面對自己討厭的工作 如何掌控自己的情緒
<div>世界上最悲慘的事是什麼,加班。比加班更痛苦的是什麼,天天加班。問題是,即使你對這項工作沒興趣,你還是要去做...這就是生活的無奈~所以倒不如做一些改變,給自己的工作一個全新的面貌。</div><div><br></div><div> 1. Do not announce it to the whole world. If you need to pour out your feelings, keep it to your family and close friends. There’s no point in letting your whole office know that you feel miserable in your job. It will just create negative vibes for you and the rest of your team.</div><div> 不要搞得全世界都知道。如果你需要傾吐自己的感受,那就向你的家人和密友吐露。沒必要讓整個辦公室的人都知道你苦不堪言。這只會為你和你的團隊帶來負面影響。</div><div><br></div><div><img src="" border="0"><br></div><div><br></div><div> 2. Determine the cause. Try to recall when you started having negative feelings towards your job. Try to pinpoint which facet you hate. Is it your task? Your boss? Your colleagues? Your office environment? Your commute to the office? If you don’t know why you feel miserable in your job, you will forever be stuck in it– you don’t know the root cause, therefore, you won’t be able to figure out the best solution.</div><div> 找到你討厭自己工作的原因。回想一下,你是何時開始對工作產生負面情緒的。試著找出真正的原因。是因為你的任務?老闆?同事?你的辦公環境?還是你的上下班時間?如果你不知道是什麼使你覺得苦不堪言,那你永遠都會被其困擾——既然你不知道問題的根源,你是不可能找出最佳解決方案的。</div><div><br></div><div> 3. Improve personal relationships in the office. This is the chance to make your daily work experience more enjoyable. Most people who hate their jobs stay because of their colleagues. Improve your friendships at work, and make new ones. If possible, be a mentor to newer or younger colleagues. Having good relationships at work encourages you to get more involved.</div><div> 改善和辦公室裏同事的關係。這招可以使你更享受每天的工作。大多數人之所以會厭惡自己的工作都是因為厭惡同事。因此,改善你和他們之間的關係,多交新朋友。如果可能的話,你也可以試著成為新晉同事的良師益友。在工作中和同事有著良好的關係會鼓勵你更好地融入他們。</div><div><br></div><div> 4. Think about the job you really want. If it’s neither the company nor the colleagues that you hate, then it’s probably the job. So what kind of job do you really want? What will make you excited? Do you want to change careers? Have you looked at job vacancies in other departments? Think about it carefully. Look before you leap.</div><div> 思考什麼才是你真正想要的工作。如果既不是公司的問題,也不是同事的問題,那一定是這份工作本身的問題了。所以你到底想要怎樣的工作呢?什麼樣的工作才能讓你興奮起來?想轉行?你有沒有在其他部門找到空缺的職位?仔細想想。三思而後行。</div><div><br></div><div> 5. Manage your stress. Sometimes, it’s the stress or fatigue that makes us feel miserable. Learn how to achieve work-life balance. If your office environment or your colleagues stress you out, learn to make a “shield” so they won’t affect you. Do take up a hobby and give it your best efforts.</div><div> 自己調節好壓力。有時候,壓力大或是疲勞會讓我們感到痛苦。學著去平衡工作與生活。如果你的工作環境或你的同事快把你逼瘋了,學著保護自己,讓他們影響不了你。好好培養一項興趣愛好,並且盡力做好它。(來源:滬江英語網)</div>