查看完整版本: 遠離壓力:辦公室減壓全攻略

linux 2012-7-13 12:04


<div>  在電影《杜拉拉升職記》中,我們看到杜拉拉要面對反覆開會討論方案、徹夜不眠加班趕工、被拉去幹體力活等白領們最常遇到的事情。在你每日疲倦之餘,是否忽略了自身的健康?不要忘了,只有健康才能讓你煥發亮麗光彩!</div><div><br></div><div>  1. Finish the toughstuff first.Try to get your most complicatedtasks out of the way early in the day so that they're not looming over you for hours. Think of it as a "best for last" technique and you'll start to look forward to your afternoons.</div><div><br></div><div>  先完成那些棘手的工作。試著在早上就做完一天中最複雜的任務,那麼接下來你就不會時不時地被他們所困擾了。只要一想到“最好的總是在最後”,你就會開始期待下午的工作了。</div><div><br></div><div>  2. Make exercise a priority. Whether it's a quick walk around the block or a full-on gym sessionduring your lunch hour, moving your body is crucialfor your sanity. Aim to stretchevery hour, too, in an effort to clear your head.</div><div><br></div><div>  盡可能多運動。午飯時間,無論是在辦公室裏走動走動還是去健身房做個徹底的健身都可以,活動活動筋骨對你頭腦的清醒是至關重要的。最好每隔一小時舒展一下筋骨,這也可以幫你清理思緒。</div><div><br></div><div><img src="http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2012/04/05/79/17886122040612293851.jpg" border="0"><br></div><div><br></div><div>  3. Savoryour snack. Rather than mindlessly munchingon whatever snacks are handy, bring your favorite treat from home and take the time to relishevery bite. Make it a healthy bite to really revup your mood and energy.</div><div><br></div><div>  吃點零食。把你最喜歡的零食從家裏帶過來,好好享受每一次的品嘗。而不是漫無目的地隨手抓一點零食吃吃。讓它成為一個健康的品嘗過程,能真正振奮你的情緒,給你加滿能量。</div><div><br></div><div>  4. Connect with a friend.Socializing is one of the easiest ways to distractyourself from everyday anxieties, so call up a pal to chat for a few minutes. Try to avoid any work-related venting and stick to fun, tension-free topics instead.</div><div><br></div><div>  和朋友聊天。社交是分散每日工作壓力的最佳途徑,所以打電話給你的朋友聊幾分鐘吧。儘量避免談到和工作有關的事情,只談那些有趣的、能讓你放鬆的話題。</div><div><br></div><div>  5. Congregateat the water cooler.It's important to engage with your co-workers on a day-to-day basis. Not only will kitchen small talk free up your mind for a few minutes, but it will also help you build positive relationships around the office.</div><div><br></div><div>  在飲水機旁交談。每天與同事交流溝通很重要。一段茶水間裏的小對話不僅可以放鬆你的身心,而且能夠促進你和辦公室裏同事的關係。</div><div><br></div><div>  6. Take five to do something lighthearted. Were you the type who doodledduring class? For five (and only five) quick minutes, draw, catch up on Instagram, or browse Pinterest to improve your attitude and recharge your batteries.</div><div><br></div><div>  花五分鐘做些讓你愉快的事。你以前有在課堂上亂涂亂畫過嗎?花上短短五分鐘(只是五分鐘),玩玩Instagram,或是瀏覽Pinterest來給自己加滿精神。</div><div><br></div><div>  7. Just breathe. Focus on nothing but your breath for a few minutes to open up your lungsand calm your mind. It doesn't need to be serious meditation—just 10 deep breaths to help you relax.</div><div><br></div><div>  呼吸。集中精力呼吸幾分鐘來擴張你的肺部,使自己的頭腦冷靜下來。你不需要端端正正地坐在那裏冥想,只需要做十次深呼吸就可以幫助你放鬆了。</div><div><br></div><div>  8. Create a worry list. If your mind starts spinning with all your anxieties, try listing them out to sortthrough your thoughts.</div><div><br></div><div>  把你擔心的事情列成一張表。如果你的腦海中一直縈繞著讓你焦慮的事情,試著將它們歸類列成表。</div><div><br></div><div>  9. Turn on mood-boosting music.A good playlist can do wonders for your spirit, so slip on some headphones and crank up the tunes. If anger is your issue, go for calmer sounds. Exhausted from all the stress? Choose fast-tempo songs to reenergize.</div><div><br></div><div>  聽振奮人心的音樂。一張闔適的播放列表可以激發你的靈感,所以,帶上你的耳機調高音量吧。生氣時,聽平靜的音樂。精疲力竭時,聽快節奏的歌振奮一下。</div><div><br></div><div>  10. Make over your work space. Your space can have a major effect on your attitude, so make sure that your desk area is both clean and decorated to suit your taste.</div><div><br></div><div>  整理你的工作空間。你的工作環境對你的工作態度有很大的影響。因此,保持桌面的整潔,並且把它裝飾成符合你品位的樣子。</div><div><br></div><div>  11. Take your eyes off the screen.Save your spirit (and your eyesight) by looking away from the computer every once in a while.</div><div><br></div><div>  眼睛離開螢幕一會兒。這樣做可以幫你養精蓄銳。</div><div><br></div><div>  12. Get troubles off your chest.If you can't stop overanalyzing problems A through Z, do whatever you need to do to refocus and move on. Try venting to a friend, emailing your mom, or —if it's nothing serious —chatting with a co-worker over coffee.</div><div><br></div><div>  把心裏的鬱悶掃除。如果你實在忍不住要去想太多的事情,那就先解決那些事再回來繼續專心工作。試試跟你的朋友吐槽,給媽媽發封郵件,或者,如果不是什麼很嚴重的大事的話,你也可以找同事邊喝咖啡邊聊。</div><div><br></div><div>  13. Try a quick massage. A quick neck massage will release the tensionbuildup.</div><div><br></div><div>  做個快速的按摩。一次快速的頸部按摩可以釋放你緊張的情緒。(來源:滬江英語網)</div>
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