htctouch 2012-7-10 13:43
<div> Getting up from your desk to go and speak to your colleagues – instead of emailing them – reduces the risk of heart attacks, research shows.</div><div><br></div><div> “只要你能時常站起來,離開工作桌,到同事那兒聊聊天,而不是通過電子郵件與他們交流”,這樣一個簡單的動作便能降低你心臟病發作的危險,這是科學家們通過一項研究所得出的結論。 </div><div><br></div><div><div> Those who take short breaks away from their seats – lasting as little as a minute – at regular intervals throughout the day are less likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure.</div><div><br></div><div> 他們發現,那些時不時會從工作崗位離開,休息放鬆片刻的人們出現體重超標和高血壓的情況都會少很多。</div><div><br></div><div> They also substantially reduce the risk of potentially fatal cardiovascular diseases.</div><div><br></div><div> 同時,他們你換心血管方面疾病的幾率也會小很多。</div><div><br></div><div> Researchers found that people who are on their feet for short periods which add up to more than two hours a day tend to have smaller waists and lower blood pressure.</div><div><br></div><div> 這項調查研究發現,若每天從座椅上離開走動走動的時間加起來超過2小時的話,這將有助於減小腰圍上的脂肪。 </div></div>