mayday56 2012-7-1 18:35
《中英對照讀新聞》Left Party wants men to pee sitting down 左派黨要男人坐著尿尿
<p>◎陳泓達 </p><p>
Men who work for the Sormland County Council in central Sweden should
sit down rather than stand up when urinating in office toilets,
according to a motion put forward by the local Left Party chapter. </p><p>
在瑞典中部的瑟姆納郡議會上班的男性,上廁所時應該坐著而非站著尿尿,根據當地左派黨黨團提出的動議。 </p><p>
The Left Party in Sormland is taking a stand to ensure men take a seat
when emptying their bladders in the county council’s own toilets. </p><p>
瑟姆納左派黨主張男職員在郡議會上廁所時應坐著小解。 </p><p>
According to the party, there are two very important reasons for the
proposal encouraging men to sit instead of stand when they urinate. </p><p>
該黨認為,鼓勵男性坐著而非站著小便的提案,有兩個很重要的理由。 </p><p>
One reason has to do with hygiene and a desire to ensure that no one who
uses the toilets at the county council’s offices will be required to
walk through puddles or residue left by stray urine which happens to
splash out of the bowl and onto the floor when male employees pee
standing up. </p><p>
理由之一與衛生有關,希望確保不會有人在使用郡議會辦公室廁所時,必須被迫踏過因為男職員站著小便而不慎濺出尿斗,在地板上造成的尿漬或殘留尿液。 </p><p>
The Left Party also cites medical research it claims shows that men empty their bladders more efficiently when they are seated. </p><p>
左派黨也引述醫學研究,聲稱男性在清空他們的膀胱時,坐著要比站著來得更有效率。 </p><p>
The improved bladder evacuation not only reduces the risk for prostate
problems, according to the party, but also helps men who sit rather than
stand achieve a longer and healthier sex life, the local Folket
newspaper reported. </p><p>
改進淨空膀胱的方式不僅可以降低攝護腺問題的風險,該黨表示,也有助於坐著而非站著小便的男性,擁有更長久且更健康的性生活,當地「人民報」報導。 </p><p>
As a first step in its quest to get men to take a seat, the Left Party
proposes labeling toilets which are designated for men who absolutely
want to remain standing when they pee. </p><p>
做為要求男職員坐著小便的第一步,左派黨提議針對一定要站著小便的男職員標示專用的廁所。 </p><p>
<span class="boldtitle">新聞辭典</span> </p><p>
take a stand:片語,表明、主張。例句:He takes a stand against our opinions.(他反對我們的意見。) </p><p>
has to do with:片語,與…有關。例句:It has nothing to do with me.(這件事與我無關。) </p><p>
residue:名詞,殘餘、殘渣。例句:All chemicals, when applied to crops, animals, water
or soil, will leave residues.(所有施用於農作物、動物、水或土壤的化學製品,都會留下殘餘。)</p>